Toward a New Barbarism, Part II
I said before that we need a new religion. I stick by this. Christianity is a clear problem for us in multiple ways. The most obvious is that it’s overly Semitized. The very blank criticism leveled at it as a desert Jewish religion is not entirely wrong. While it was to a degree Hellenized and Germanized in practice, we see it has been still entirely weak and subject to Jewish subversion in the course of the past hundred and some years. The first Christian movements to be subverted were the obvious Judaizing movements, which were emulating Jews from the get-go or at a point when an influential church head decided to split with tradition. Most of the popular Judaizing movements in the English-speaking world and Western Europe as well really started in the past hundred and fifty years. Christian Zionism and the Scofield Bible were funded by Jews, epitomized by one Samuel Untermeyer but it was really a collection of New York banking Jews who bankrolled CI Scofield in the 1880s as ...