
Showing posts from October, 2020

Toward a New Barbarism, Part III

  Green movements and green revolution. The “green movement” which emerged as a result of awareness of ecological crises through the 1980s and ‘90s is a marvel. It is a testament to how liberal capital is on one hand amorphous without shape but also polycephalic many headed . Big money and power took things like the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth and bent it to their purpose. The Club of Rome now makes reports that no longer matter and celebrates the plutocratic green movement. The Limit to Growth as originally written, and as its honest cowriters state, is an indictment of how liberal capitalism had managed resources to that point (1972) and projected those trends forward. The obvious conclusion that they and deep ecologists came to is that a combination of energy and resource as well as human population limits were needed at that time to stave off ecological catastrophe. Neither warning being heeded, we are at the point of worldwide ecological catastrophe. What has the green m...