
Showing posts from 2015


            One sees European togetherness to replace the current Pax Americana. The heart longs for it, verily, with each throb. Someday not soon may we see its light.

Progressivism as suicidal impulse

I don't know if this is a unique thought or if I've read this elsewhere, but I'll note it here. I'm not sure liberals even necessarily want their ultimate vision to be realized in its totality. They require a vigorous opposition to keep them in check and in line. Their realization is their antithesis. We must be their antidote, else they will implode and bring the West with them in their death throes.

A second grand post: On the failings of libertarians

Libertarians have developed into a complicated picture unto their own. There are the hard culturally ‘left’ libertarians – the wayward libertines and left-Rothbardians, many degenerates or hangers-on to such baggage that they tacitly accept gutter law that would permit a society whose aesthetics would be trashy to the extreme. These are the C4SS crowd, the degenerate child pornographer and fondler Brad Spangler, Kevin Carson, and various ‘market syndicalists’ and ‘market socialists’ and ‘libertarian socialists’ who contend for the title of ‘left libertarian.’ There are of course the centrists, as ever, who fall in the grays and grades between designated endpoints. Most modern libertarians arguably fall in the left-center or right-center of this cultural picture. Then there are the traditionalist libertarians, more like myself, Hoppe and his PFS crowd, and some of the American Renaissance folk as well.