Progressivism as suicidal impulse

I don't know if this is a unique thought or if I've read this elsewhere, but I'll note it here. I'm not sure liberals even necessarily want their ultimate vision to be realized in its totality. They require a vigorous opposition to keep them in check and in line. Their realization is their antithesis. We must be their antidote, else they will implode and bring the West with them in their death throes.

Every extreme social experiment the progressive factions wish to embark upon society in their naïve Frankfurt school inspired fever dreams undermines social institutional stability. No-fault divorce, open marriages, abortions for everyone, queer marriages, potentially even more devious conceptions of 'marriage' in the future - these all undermine civilization. Marriage is a pillar of tradition as it promotes families. Tearing marriage and the family, at best, might somewhat reduce fertility rates, modestly increase markers of dysfunction and delinquency, and generally substantially sap morale. That's the best case scenario. Worst case scenario, there are far more damaged children produced as a result of this failed 'progressive' experiment which produces a massive dysgenic breeding ground in addition to crime, poverty, and so on well in excess to what we would have otherwise expected.

Animal rights is another absurd notion. To condemn excessive, wanton animal cruelty is one thing. To promote animal liberation or 'ecological farms' and 'free range' livestock if vegetarianism or veganism are not the only necessary ways is unreasonable. How much quality protein can be provided in this world by way of sustainable wild fisheries or 'free range organic' livestock? How many currently captive animals, whether pets or livestock, would survive if 'liberated' in this harebrained notion? What of 'organic' and 'ecological' farms? How sustainable are they? How far can they be spread? Could, say, four billion people be fed in efficient acreage with those means without compromising the integrity of the crop?

Related to the above is the general environmental movement. I believe that some environmental protection is as much traditional as anything. There should be areas where nature is preserved something as we inherited from our forebears, to transmit to our children. There should be greenery and spots of nature as well in cities and towns to break up the monotony of concrete, masonry, and steel. Just the same, there are those who believe the industrial revolution was itself a mistake; that humanity should return to a population below one billion heads and primitive means of energy. They're unwilling to forego luxuries at the moment, most of them, and live out their ideals in practice of course, but their vision would impose an incredibly drastic population reduction across the whole planet, and given the nexus of their beliefs I suspect they wouldn't deign to preserve the West in their maelstrom of destruction. This sort of environmentalism is the Frankfurt Institute-inspired antithesis of the traditional.

We also see attempts to thrust the abnormal into the spotlight in the art and entertainment complex. That itself is a massively rotten industry, inclined as much toward profit as churning social subtexts and signalling moral superiority. The kosher meat grinders who service Hollywood and pornography are eager to undermine everything that traditional Western European civilization stood for. Goyishness is an existential threat. We see the multiracial neighborhood, the mixed race family, leftist environmentalist visions, slave morality, queers, drug addiction, low brow consumerism, and the various other modern vanguard socialist projects and pets glorified. Lest we forget the immigrant, pimped out by media no matter their background but the muddier is better, which makes Sub-Saharan Africans, Mestizos, and various Muslim immigrants greater to promote.

Vanguard socialism betrays an eschatological vision. In addition to everything else, at the end of all their social victories, the progressives generally hold hope that they'll turn the machinery of capitalism into something of their own making as either a benevolent, charitable democratic socialist state with plenty of benefits, syndicalism, or outright communism. They usually look to the latter two for examples since the syndicalists and communists are better theorists than most social democrats as regards social theory and history, and since they tend to push the boundaries ever further. They are ever the left's banner men. Even so, every time syndicalism and communism have been tried on mass scale they have been disaster. There are the unfailing coordination, calculation, and incentive problems predicted by economists.

Let's say their dream comes to life. Everything they've asked for comes to bear. What then? They have all the access they want, but everything is decrepit. They're in the very process of dismantling all of their hated foes. What then? The workers decide to suddenly reverse course, about face and turn on all of the deleterious socially progressive policies which worked to undermine Western civilization merely to effect socialism in a few countries? Of course not. It's completely unrealistic. Everyone is indoctrinated. Even what classical Marxists and anarchists exist now are laughable caricatures of what they were back in 1880 or 1920. Now they're sort of an unwitting fusion of the various New Left and progressive concepts. The least affected by radical modernism are least poised to affect anything.

Those who lack the courage of their convictions to see the logical conclusion of their message that all their accrued original sins, whether environmental, theological, hereditary, or socio-economic mean that they ought check out of this world as soon as possible, dignity be damned, that their best attempts cannot repair the damage inflicted, and only their immediate, ignominious annihilation can ensure the end of it - they choose instead to opt for license. If the world is meaningless, damned, and abysmal, why not run it into the ground and use it as a plaything? "Do as thou wilt and bugger the consequences" became the moral imperative of the left. Even leftists retreat into escapism and nihilism just the same as most of the profligate lower classes do in this secularized post-Christian society.

One would see a patchwork of chaos if their vision comes to pass of course. Their best case scenario would be the occasional mildly conservative revolutionary socialist state appearing as their social democratic neighbors tried their damndest to fend off pejorative anarchy. More likely by very stacked odds, one would find reactionary nationalist movements fighting against socialists as well as immigrant cabals amidst the overall dysfunction. Political correctness currently hampers even military and law enforcement effectiveness. Until Europe and the US slide further into the gutter, it's anarcho-tyranny.

The depressed black and Mestizo criminality from broadly from about 1920 to the 2020s was a result of Anglo-American institutions which had gotten swamped by anti-racism crusades, leftists, cocaine, heroine, and crack cocaine, and thus experienced a long wave from the late '60s until the early '90s. We're probably going to see something like that again, only it's not going to end. We're already seeing the beginnings of the cracks of the Anglo institutions as law enforcement has become more arbitrary, less systematic, more reliant upon gadgets, less aware of the communities which support it even in majority white areas. Likewise with the courts; black and Mestizo criminals, who should be given far stricter punishments given the general prior probability distributions, are instead rewarded. In some parts of Europe the situation is even worse with Rotherham and so on.

Will we find our teeth and claws when we need them? Dark days loom just years ahead most like. Few enough are aware of the storm clouds distant on the horizon, so fixated are they on the worries of this day.


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