Toward A New Barbarism, Part VII: Notes on the Old Testament I


In similar way to Shoah, we can interpret most of Jewish myth through esoteric lens. Most pogroms speak of thousands or tens of thousands of Jews dying, when in reality most of them involved a few, or at worst a few hundred Jews dying and a few hundred more losing property to theft and vandalism. This was routinely exaggerated in what is now understood as the Jewish archetype of the crying victim. The Jew routinely exaggerates any wounds to their people; vandalism is assault, assault is murder, singular murder is mass murder, a few murders are orgiastic murder, and tens or hundreds of murders are attempts at genocide. This is because most Jews fundamentally share the view of Chabad Lubavitch, which is that gentile people are like cattle and the blood of one Jew is worth more than the lives of all gentiles on the Earth. Chabad are just the bad manners, bad optics Hasidic version who are very effective at operating and organizing for the interests of international Jewry generally and Zion specifically.

I want to release this in the future (cleaned up and more academic of course) as a very detailed notes in an annotated Bible with passages from the Zohar and select bits of the Talmud, along with books by certain Jewish academics. I think I'll call that From Moses to Moses in honor of a very Jewish phrase. For now, I’ll stick to this format and readers who receive it for free can imagine it was in a better format.

We should start from the start. You have the creation sequence, light from dark, etc. I would guess that the beginning of Genesis reflects a knowledge of Ptolemy at the least and the Pythagoreans. Perhaps some of his predecessors could have had similar writings at the time which are lost now. Still, clearly the OT does not stretch into the mists of antiquity as we are led to believe. The basic narrative is this: the Divine Creative Force, God, proceeds from nothing to an assemblage of light, energy, and matter, creating the plants and animals to include man at the end of this process before a rest. As this is a very naïve view, in light of what we see later, that divine creative force probably represents the genius (in the Classical Latin sense) of the proto-Jewish people coming to be along with their language and culture. It is the process of their coming into the world and naming the things in the world which brought light to darkness, order to chaos, and made the trees and animals and so forth separate from the abyssal nothing of separation from Jewish being. (Genesis 1) (Disclaimer: I don’t know Hebrew or other Semitic tongues, so I used an online resource called abarim publications. For all words or names which I compared to other sources, other dictionaries shared similar meanings.)

Adam – meaning in Hebrew man (both mankind and [one] man) or mud. Eve – meaning breath of life or to breathe. Here we get a glimpse of the esoteric meaning of the beginning of Genesis. Adam and Eve were not conceived in Genesis as actual people, but as a mythic telling via Jewish word games. Adam was the avatar or symbol of all mankind, formed from the earth (mud) but given the breath of life because of the pairing of man and woman, where Eve and women like her also give the breath of life to future generations. Man (the masculine) builds (represented by earth and the earthly), woman (the feminine) births (represented by fruit and flowers). The tree and fruit of knowledge represents the birth of higher consciousness, the gain of speech, and the loss of innocence (all fairly obvious stuff). Consciousness structures can be interpreted more deeply via Gebser’s Ever Present Origins. (Genesis 2-3)

So the Divine Masculine, also Mankind, is invited by the Divine Feminine, also Spiritual Energy to partake of this newfound knowledge symbolized by the fruit. The feminine, spiritual energy which is also associated with the Moon, was awoken or tempted first. The snake, presumed to be Satan (‘adversary’), is an essentially Manichaean force which is like an inverted mirror to God. The snake is also the agent of change (mirroring an aspect of Saturn/Cronus, lending to the idea that there is some etymological link between Satan and Saturn). I’ll continue this narrative further below.

Sabbath means to stop and of course the Jews are implored to follow the example of God who rested on the seventh day of creation. Eden simply means paradise or delight. That is rather straightforward, Eden is a mythic telling of the age before civilization when work per se was unnecessary. Survival was the main goal, and the tribe was the focus of organization. The harmony of beasts and abundance reflects the relative equilibrium.

It’s obvious stuff; Eden – the pre-civilization tribal paradise – was destroyed with the agricultural developments in the Neolithic age and demographic growth. This would bring conflict and force man to work; crucially, the Jew who understands this in esoteric terms, has always sought to shift hard work onto others for at least 1400 years. Even before then when they were a whole nation, they were definitely lopsided and were a priesthood with a country the same way Prussia was described as an army with a state.

Then we come to Cain and Abel. This is basically an esoteric telling of how violence and killing started (as Jews believe it) – Abel meaning vanity sparked the ire of Cain meaning the spear by producing an offering that God preferred. That is to say, vanity attracts wrath. This is a very Jewish supposition, and probably one of the reasons why Jews prefer to stand apart even now from the gentiles. Even as they prey on gentile children and women and rely on usury and rents to live with fat bounty, they do so (they believe) without vanity so as to avoid rage. (Gen 4)

After Cain and Abel you have Seth. Basically, atop Adam (mud or earth) you have the foundation, as Seth means to set, give, make firm. Seth like Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel are not real people but mythological word games; Seth here is the “foundation,” that is the beginning of early urban dwelling. Hiram Abiff before Hiram Abiff if you like. There’s probably some numerological significance to all of the years and dates and shit listed in Genesis, but it’s gay and lame and I don’t really care to analyze that. (Gen 5)

Enoch means trained or initiated. Enoch denotes the beginning of the priest caste in society. That is the meaning of “Enoch walked with God.” Methuselah means when he is dead it shall be sent. Methuselah was the herald of the Great Flood, which may or may not have been a great regional flood in that area (almost certainly not a global flood). With Jewish exaggeration in mind, the Great Flood may just be the ur-example of ritual cleansing with the implication this is how you do it. Noah meant rest. The ark wasn’t real, it wasn’t understood to be real, it was a mythic understanding of God basically providing for his anointed while the rest of creation was washed away. So Noah gets to rest while the wicked nonbelievers and sinners are washed away and whatever. (Gen. 5-7)

There was a second meaning though. The covenant spoken there was understood to be that God established a covenant with those who rest on the Sabbath. If you didn’t rest on the Sabbath, you were wicked and deserved a fat dick up your ass and probably sea water in your lungs. Ham meant Hot and has, because Noah cursed the son with that name, become associated with swarthy peoples (i.e. Hamitic tongues which are East African). Shem meant name, fame, knowledge of creation and thus the name of Shem has become synonymous with the desert peoples (i.e. Semitic peoples). Japheth meant formless expansion and meant the gentiles. It stated that the Shem (desert peoples, Jews) should become lord over the Japheth (other Eurasians, gentiles). We will see repeatedly that the character who stands in for the Jews or their cousins is esteemed while the others are demoted or degraded. (Gen. 6-10)

As mentioned above, the awakening of the mind represented by the tree and fruit of knowledge are a fundamentally Lunar one, as it is the Divine Feminine which awakens first and brings the Masculine around second. The Divine Masculine and Feminine are banished from earthly paradise by the development of agriculture. One of the unappreciated aspects of agriculture is not only the degree to which it requires hitherto unnecessary work, but also a certain discipline which constrains that Masculine and Feminine energy. The Divine Masculine and Feminine become archetypes and echoes.

The Paleolithic (Adam and Eve) yields to Neolithic (Abel and Cain) pastoral and agricultural society, as well as the early countryside and the proto-city respectively. Abel also means ‘vanity’ and Cain ‘the spear’ and thus we understand that another meaning is encoded as stated above. This represents the mythic first act of violence and presages later war and death. Cain then has a series of sons, one of which is Seth who becomes the ‘founder’ or ‘foundation’ of various towns or cities. Seth represents early urbanization.

Enoch is ‘the initiated’ and represents the beginning of the priesthood and organized religion. This is understood in mythic terms, but clearly they knew intuitively that a formal priesthood needs the surplus possible from farming and at least early urbanization. Methuselah heralded the flood and Noah (rest) was given a covenant after the flood because he rested on the Sabbath. Noah represents the earliest echoes of the Jewish people, their distant ancestors who had adopted only the fewest trappings and rituals of which ritual cleansing and the Sabbath were the most important. We get insight here into the nature of God for the Jews – God is a transactional being, more a god of gods than Brahman, Demiurge, or Monad. YHWH is the supreme god because of his relation to Jews and particular ethnocentric favor, and because they have through various means subjected neighbors’ cults (which would eventually culminate in destroying cult idols to rival gods).

One can further elaborate on how they view the Jewish god with an extract from the Talmud, Sanhedrin 57a, “For it is written, The earth also was corrupt before God; […] and wherever corruption is mentioned it must refer to immorality and idolatry.” Again, we see the deeper meaning of God here as the transcendent folk soul of the Jews, not the Absolute; God is the Jewish prototype which ran through the mythic prophets and the real founders. [Note here: the translation of the Talmud I’m reading from uses the word Cuthean as stand-in for Gentile or Goy and Israelite for Jew.  Cuthean means Samaritan and the deep lore behind that is that the Neo-Babylonian Empire basically sent a bunch of foreign people to Samaria in the north of Judea. The local proto-Jews interbred with these foreigners or dispersed, and thereafter the peoples of Samaria and the immediate surroundings were considered gentiles by the other Jews.]

The Talmud also teaches it is permitted for Jews to punish gentiles for stealing amongst themselves or from Jews, but Jews may steal from gentiles without repercussion. Similarly is murder to be treated with normal punishment (death) for gentiles amongst themselves or who murder Jews, but a Jew who murders a gentile is to be unpunished or less severely punished by orders of magnitude – and thus we come to understand the modern world.

Most of the other names are gay. Abraham (or Abram) basically means protector or some shit, and the whole thing about Abraham is he is again a stand-in for the Jewish people and he is promised the whole world. He is given the laws of circumcision and, if you like (or don’t) the Abrahamic covenant. Lot means veil or covering, and the whole passage is talking about his daughters and wife and shit and their dwelling and passage through an impure environment. The implication is that women are supposed to be veiled or covered when dwelling or passing through these types of environs. Lot’s wife is turned to salt to symbolize the sacrifice of purity; rather than being allowed to damage the purity of the woman, her purity is preserved in the ritually-vital salt. Lot is then used by his daughters in the mountains (Moab) to conceive incestuous children, the moral here being that Chosenites are allowed to knock their daughters up if there’s no one else around to do it. (Gen. 12)

I could do the rest of Genesis but I won’t. I’ll do only a few other key scenes. This suffices to prove my point. If you’re a literalist or fundamentalist, you take everything at face value and believe all of these were real people and events despite the obvious absurdities including people living 800 or 1000 years or whatever. That isn’t and was never the point; those are there just for numerological games the same as the names are there for word games, and I’m sure there is even more esoteric shit you could tease out with Jewish gematria. There are other names which are really problematic for Christian fundamentalists. You’re faced with the fact that Amalek is dealt with harshly – and it looks like the Jews view us as Amalek, and they view us as Esau. There are a number of Jewish stand-in characters, Jacob is one as well as Moses. Jacob swindles Esau and is lauded. Esau means hairy or rough and is another gentile stand-in (he is a hunter and holds many gentile attributes; strong, resourceful, etc.). Jacob means heel-catcher or, understood figuratively instead of literally, trickster/trapper.

Nothing in Genesis is meant literally. Even Exodus is mythic. Levi means joined and again is a Jewish stand-in character. He represents the initiated priest class who is, shock of shocks, joined at the hip with the Jewish people. There is some irony here in that Levi’s son Moses is separated from him.

Let’s take Moses. Perhaps Moses was a real guy, but probably not. Moses could mean loan, extract or it could mean hidden. Thus Moses in esoteric terms is this: the Jewish priest class infiltrates the esoteric schools of Hermes in Egypt, then flees with their secrets. Keep in mind that everything is exaggerated. Moshem or Moses was probably a small cabal of Jews and probably did not even know the Pharaoh; the travel as a baby down the Nile River, to be raised by the royal family is nonsense. The Nile here represents the pathway to the esoteric, the baby represents the naivety at the outset. The royal family are allegories for the perennial Jewish strategy of flocking to the powerful or to courts to find people to use and subvert. The whole story of not knowing his people and then awakening to his Jewish roots is basically saying that every Jew comes back to their roots.

The meat of the story then contains examples of Jews being persecuted, a truly time-tested tale. It holds a divine revelation. This is probably a blueprint for Jewish oppression narratives. It is also a blueprint for Jewish diaspora operations. There is no evidence that any of the Passover shit happened or the other signs, plagues, and curses. Moses parting the Red Sea was probably a story to give dramatic flair to the passage of the esoteric cabal from Egypt. Red is a color which implies martial overtones or bloodshed, and parting it and bringing it down upon their enemies is symbolic of the Jews avoiding bloodshed themselves but destroying their enemies. The refrain “Let my people go” is rich in light of Jewish history; it not only presages Zionism but the very strong line drawn between the Jew and gentile. The other irony is that the gentile cannot get away from the Jew, as the Jew scrambles to infest himself into every gentile land under the sun.

The plagues and curses listed as a response to the unnamed Pharaoh failing to “Let my people go” (in Charlton Heston’s voice) could be seen as stating God will punish the enemies of Judah. It could also be seen as approving of the Jews doing like. The enemies of the Jews should: have their children slain, their crops and livestock ravaged, and their land spread with pests and problems. In light of the events of the past hundred years, from Holodomor to the European grist mills of the world wars to Current Year America, I would say, “Lie not detected.” This seems to be accurate to the modus operandi of the Jewish people.

Exodus also describes some of the Mosaic laws and rituals, to include Mosaic sacrifices. Some of these Mosaic sacrifices are continued by Jews today. The sin chicken ritual (kapparot), colloquially “chicken swinging,” is one such sacrifice ritual. It allows Jews to cleanse the soul for the coming year of all sin, no matter how heinous. The Jew could be a priest and could defile one hundred gentile children and kill directly or by order tens or hundreds, and by this ritual his soul would be clean (according to Mosaic law). Perform the ritual cleansing, and his hands are clean too. Understand your enemy. You are not the real Jews. They are.

Again, the Pharaoh is a purely symbolic enemy here. The archetype is more important. Ignore the time-tested and frankly poll-tested narratives in Exodus about poor oppressed people this and save my people that – it’s nonsense that never happened. It’s a story about priests taking knowledge (and potentially wealth) that did not belong to them, escaping the country, and then conspiring to try and fuck over some of the nobles in the country after they left.

As mentioned above, Joshua fights Amalek on behalf of Moses and YHWH the God of the Jew declares war on Amalek, which possibly means people who lap (like animals feeding at a bowl or trough). Who is Amalek? Good fucking question, and far as I can tell it’s basically whoever they say it is. Amalek is whoever their current enemy is, and it’s usually a white, European Christian gentile. If the sense of alienation from this shit is growing, good.

Eliezer means god is help or in other words, god helps the Jews. A bunch of other names like this are listed; Aaron means bright. I didn’t pay attention to who Aaron was, don’t really care. Basically, at the end of Exodus you get the Mosaic Law, again, which continues into Leviticus (so-named after the Levites, the priestly caste of Jewry).

Numbers describes some gay battle scene with more gematria shit. It has Moses leading an army of all the clans of Israel/Judah, which is basically describing all of the big families and castes. Ephraim means two-fold increase and basically has the same connotation as proletarian or any fruitful people (big families). Benjamin means Son of the right hand, basically meaning God’s chosen/favored. The right hand is associated with strength, tradition, and cleanliness; the left with weakness and corruption. Numbers also describes more Mosaic law stuff, ritual cleanliness and confession.

Note Numbers 6:1-3, “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel […] When either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the Lord: He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.” Nazarite and Nazarene are both cognate, Nazarene being the Greek transliteration of the Aramaic/Hebrew form Naz*ri. This has the connotation of “consecration/separation.”


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