The Right after RECENT EVENTS
Hubris: for our purposes, the
parable of Icarus suffices. In short, it is the belief that one can tempt fate
with bold displays and escape unscathed or better.
There are a few directions things
could take for the right wing coalition here after Charlottesville. Some of
those paths will lead to greater heights sooner, and some will lead to
stagnation and greater follies. It’s clear that Charlottesville and events like
it have essentially one of two purposes for right wing groups: rallying the
members and the spectacle. By all means, it appears that those who actually
went in the area of Charlottesville on either day received positive benefits
from the ‘rallying’ effect. Otherwise, the protest seems to have been indecisive
or worse. This should have folks reconsidering how activism is done going
Any protests or public right wing events can have that rallying effect, where it improves the morale of those present. There’s something to be said for that, as well as requiring some to pick up the mantle of logistics and security, which are both going to be necessary for a mass movement going forward in much bigger ways than mere demonstrations if this grows. But for the spectacle, there is usually required some greater coordination and ‘policing’ the image if you like. It helps to have a patron in a high place or sympathetic media, but they’re not strictly necessary so long as you’re not hobbling yourself with negative imagery and phrases and the like.
The spectacle is where the first of
the problems with Charlottesville come in. The first night, the torch-lit march
around General Lee’s statue, involved great imagery. For the most part, the
chants were roughly relevant even if it wasn’t specifically related to the statue
issue the whole time, with the exception of some Jew-wise or anti-Semitic
chants which are likely to alienate more people. However, Richard Spencer and others
have a pathological need to invite the opposition media to film everything
whenever possible. This has produced problems in the past, and this time the
fallout as regards participants getting ‘doxed’ is worse than before. This
should be a hard-learned lesson: media is to be censored and strictly
controlled for good reason, because the opposition media cannot be controlled
in any way, and they will portray any public events that are held in the most
negative possible light.
With the second day, the handle on
the media was worse, and the number of attendees both present for the protest
and the counter protest skyrocketed. This presented a problem when a small
number of fuck-ups with swastika armbands and flags appeared, as well as one or
two guys with Klan regalia. Everyone in the know realizes that this was a
trifling part of those present; the media, however, lies as they are wont to,
and focus on these guys primarily. They also focused on the violence later,
especially involving a driver mowing down counter protestors in uncertain
Thus the spectacle fell apart by day
two completely. There wasn’t enough discipline to keep the image together.
Combined with the police on one side forming a wall against the Unite the Right
guys and Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other far left counter-protestors
eager to throw improvised missiles and swing cudgels, it quickly became clear
that in stark contrast to the resounding success of the prior night, they had
been lured into a trap. This trap was probably for the express purpose of
making the alt-right look shitty while improving the look of the governor,
mayor, and city council. It may yet backfire in the weeks to come, especially
with the deaths involved.
A message from my radical
libertarian days comes to mind: police are not your friends. Even if you imbibe
the “blue lives matters” shit – I don’t – they care foremost about officer
safety. Public safety comes at a distant third, where the paycheck and benefits
are usually second. Some significant portion of the police forces are actively
hostile to nationalism, whether they’re leftists, establishment lackeys, or
minorities; some other large portion are indifferent and will reliably follow
orders when and as given; another large portion you might call betrayers, and
they’ll sell out their neighbor for some overtime. If that’s not half of any given
major police force right there, it’s probably damn close. It’s certainly enough
for a sizeable riot control unit. If someone cares more about rightist ideology
than enforcing a politician’s dictates, they’re probably going to wash out of
law enforcement or the military quickly, and especially out of big cities,
college towns, and noncombat units. (Military police are probably as bad if not
worse than civilian police on an ideological basis – expect no quarter from
Your best bet in all cases involving
law enforcement, as the old libertarian dictum says, is keep interactions few
and brief when at all possible. Unless you absolutely need them or you are
speaking with an unironic Officer Friendly, steer well clear of coppers. This
is true whether you wear identitarianism and rightist ideology generally on
your sleeve or not. Police have been turned into a less and less discriminate
wrecking ball over the past hundred years. We cannot blithely assume that the
police, military, and like institutions because they have a masculine veneer to
them that they are ‘our guys.’ In all likelihood, given that the enemy controls
the narrative that comes out of the mass media, entertainment, arts, and
academia as well as most major corporations, we’re in a bind where all of the
system’s incentives both financial and ideological are going to pressure these
guys that rightists have a natural affinity for to stomp down on the right’s
necks. We need to come to grips with reality – the West is occupied country.
Building a resistance means just that, and we have to start from scratch. If
things were to get hot tomorrow and escalate to the point of hot civil war in
the US or France for instance, everyone would be woefully unprepared; the least
worst off, however, would be the agents of the state and their patrons.
Identitarians in Europe have figured
out a good system: quit asking for permits. Permitted protests are dubious on
constitutional grounds anyway, and you’re asking for the state and Antifa et
al. to ruin your day. You’re better off coming up with a smaller planned
protest once every month or six weeks and controlling the spectacle completely.
Keep a fund reserved for bail and legal funds and so forth, but part of being
smart is avoiding jail as much as possible. To be fair, the stakes are higher
in Europe since Antifa is far better established, funded, and generally more
threatening than Stateside where they’re getting off the ground. But things are
escalating now. Avoid falling into the pitfalls of “WN 1.0” in message,
tactics, and organization.
The only media ever allowed around
rightist events should be friendly media. If Spencer wants his press
conference, he can have that separately. Otherwise, hostile media should be
physically prevented from filming as much as possible to reduce the risk of bad
optics and doxing. Attendees should be screened and anyone who fits the “WN
1.0” image should hit the road. Frankly, logistics and your ability to muster
capable men and material matter more than fervor for the Führer and mere
physical intimidation going forward (to the extent the 1.0 guys truly have
those, and to the extent many aren’t informants and Feds). True resistance
means more than looking tough. Anyone incapable of understanding this reality
needs to be comfortable with the sidelines for now, because for the moment
they’re going to do more harm than good at meatspace events and demonstrations.
It’s time to hark back to what I
mentioned at the beginning – hubris. The right, the ‘alt-right’ if you like it
or don’t, has felt itself an inevitable force recently. To some degree, that’s
true. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be setbacks. These setbacks can delay
our rise by months or years or worse if we don’t plan appropriately. At
Charlottesville, we hit what was probably the first major setback for our
movement both in the US and likely internationally. Unless you are an
incredibly dynamic individual, you probably will not have a singular impact on
the shape of the reactionary movement as a whole. [I use reactionary in the
broadest sense here.] You can’t control exactly what shape the reaction takes.
You can only try to influence it inasmuch as one can. These are things largely
beyond the powers of lone men to determine, however. The forces of history
which men like Spengler detail aren’t something I buy into completely; it isn’t
as though we’re slaves to trends and cycles, but what Spengler said on the
cycle of civilizations has some merit. We seem to be on the downward slope
right now and the managerial class is not managing the decline.
There are a few other things that go
along with this. First, the general vector of the reaction is going to be up.
Critically, though, there are a number of things which could delay the rise of
an effective reaction substantially. It’s a question of whether we mount a
substantial movement within the next ten to twenty years or whether it requires
another generation or more to work at it. Second, there’s also the matter of
waste. Both men and resources are potentially wasted on each demonstration that
goes wrong, so each one – especially risky ones – should be weighed carefully.
Men who are willing to risk their freedom should not be thrown about casually by
unsure and naïve or incompetent leaders. Jason Kessler and the other organizers
of the Charlottesville event should be held to task for putting together an
event that relied entirely on the goodwill of “civil authorities” and without
which potentially put the members at physical risk with no upshot.
a movement which projects strength and confidence looks better than one which
projects weakness. To this end, it is good to have a strong jaw and resist
Antifa and the rest rather than be willing to be prey to public beatings for
which you will suffer humiliation and the enemies will gloat. There is no
public relations reward for having the shit beat out of you in the streets.
Fourth, there must also be strides to minimize thuggishness and alien symbols
(i.e. the “WN 1.0” look). This means using the flags of the respective
countries one happens to be in, be it the American flag in the US, the Union
Jack in the UK, and the current German flag in Germany rather than the Imperial
German flag. This means using plain clothes, whether you dress sharply or
casually, or even appropriate military surplus stuff. But this means stowing
your NSDAP, Klan, Confederate, and other shit in the closet for these events
where it belongs (clothing, flags, everything). Your job is to look like the
poster of the high functioning ‘everyman’ if you attend one of these events. If
you can’t manage that, stay home.
there need to be efforts to seriously vet members of ‘cells’ if you like that
engage in any sort of activism, demonstrations, meatspace gatherings, and so
forth. The current TRS approach is a good start, but further steps in this area
is a good idea. There needs to be skin in the game such that infiltration is
both costly and difficult, and were infiltrators suspected, their identities
and preferably addresses would be known by others in these associations. The
group could then rid themselves of the infiltrator as needed. Sixth, due
process and constitutional rights are mostly dead. This is true in the US and
everywhere else. The administrative state has run roughshod over pretty much
every single one of the 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights as well as most of
the other declared and tacit rights of Englishmen. Folks should prepare
accordingly. You will not be allowed to speak, gather, publish, or otherwise
protest freely; you will not be allowed to freely and legally use firearms or
other weapons for defense of your life and others; you will not be exempt from
unconstitutional searches and seizures; your right to a speedy trial,
reasonable bail, and a fair hearing are all suspended; and so on down the line.
The establishment will try to railroad anyone who happens to be caught in their
crossfire by any means. By the same token, though, we should consider mercy a
luxury and stop being so generous. Your advocacy and political beliefs will
have an impact on your so-called rights.
the activists will be a tiny part of the movement. Most of those who sympathize
ideologically need to focus on self-improvement, family formation, and striving
toward the ideal of the warrior-scholar or warrior-poet if you prefer. The days
of being soft navel gazers draw to a close. Eighth, there needs to be major
work in organization and logistics. I’ve alluded to this above. The expectation
should be that rightists attending rallies, demonstrations, and ordinary meet
ups will have to largely provide their own security, emergency first aid, legal
counsel, and public relations (in the future, the number of basic roles
necessary for rightists to fill will probably expand with heightened tension
and escalating violence). In addition, there should be efforts to minimize the
exposure of rightists to harm whatever the context and to provide legal and
other relief for those unfortunate sods who end up in the crosshairs of the
establishment. One of the reasons Antifa consistently show up to counter the
right is because their patrons promise legal protection and media shills to
cover. Ninth, there need to be plans drawn for attacking the enemy’s organization
and logistics in ways that will cause lasting damage without risking much of
the right’s assets. Legal actions are a potential route where the risk-reward
balance is fair.
is only escalation for tomorrow. To that end, it is good that since Berkley and
now Charlottesville, more folks are attending events ready for a scuffle. They
should. These events aren’t for everyone and frankly I don’t think that mass
events which are known in advance by authorities and by Antifa and the rest
should be held that often. It’s too costly for our side. But when they are
held, we need to understand that there is not going to be any ratcheting down
of tensions going forward. Some will try to get white men to go quietly in the
night as they shove the dagger deeper into our backs. Many among our opposition
will find that too slow and arduous. ‘Divide et impera’ is the classic
stratagem we know they will attempt. So we must present a united front.
will not ever attract a true mass following the likes of which you saw 70-80
years ago. The stigma on white men is too strong among the previous generations
and the grip of the media-entertainment and mass culture complex is too acrid. We
need to be content as the spearhead; as an elite movement. Whether you buy into
neoreaction wholly or not, the only way that we will move forward quickly
rather than waiting for the momentum of events to carry us on is if we are a
capable and focused elite who have the means of both seizing power and of
governing effectively. We need to exponentially increase our organization
efforts in the coming years and be aware that as our potential power base
grows, our threat to established power grows proportionately and they will
increasingly try to stamp us out. There will be casualties on every side of
post-war ‘long peace’ is coming to a slow end, gentlemen, and good riddance.
Enjoy the tail end of this ride before we disembark for the start of a damn
long and hard road.
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