One sees European togetherness to replace the current Pax Americana. The heart longs for it, verily, with each throb. Someday not soon may we see its light.
            I say this not because I hate the US or everything it stands for. On the contrary. Rather, America due to a stream of happenings over the course of the middle part of the last hundred years came into the worst of influences as I’ve gone into here and as Kevin MacDonald and others elaborate much more extensively. Yet it is true that as it stands, the American empire is one which stands for empty nihilism, for lowly consumerism, for crass capitalism, and for the degradation and forsaking of its own founding stock.
            Thus, here in the shadow of two world wars, the whole of the West finds itself cast into a deep pit of nihilism: one of Schopenhauerian despair, and one of Epicurean hedonism. The former consists of manic depressants who wallow in the horrors and tortures of modernity, seeing its grime and filth and lamenting its coming but not knowing how to see past or climb out of the abyss and expressing only existential angst – like Schopenhauer only less eloquent or insightful. The latter are your typical partygoers and the mainstay of the club flock; these lotus eaters deigned to replace or soothe God’s death with narcotic. Between them is some overlap, but these represent the two great modalities of nihilism. Most men are not meant to look into the abyss and overcome it; most  simply plunge if aware of its presence or depth. Whether religion, ignorance, distraction, power of personality, something is necessary to galvanize them from that pitfall.
            Even the victors of yesteryear feel defeated, almost beleaguered at this point. No longer do ratty faced goofs and gremlins cheer us on for liberating the concentration camps. Now the US and the UK are lampooned for not letting in every Jew, for not rescuing them sooner; for dropping the nukes; for not abolishing slavery in 1646; for only giving women the vote in 1919 (and worse, taking a year to ratify it); for racially disparate immigration policies, Jim Crow, and black discrimination; it goes on and on. Simply fighting the Second World War as much on behalf of the substantial urbanite Jewish community in the US as for the Anglo establishment is insufficient, even if not more for the Jews since some of the Anglos were actually amenable to the Germans, while no Jews were. Every European nation is complicit or worse in the Shoah and in every atrocity in that era, including ones Jews chiefly headed and perpetrated namely in Eastern Europe.
            History is a propaganda weapon now for the purposes of retroactive punishment and forward looking castration. They seek to project the sins of themselves, their kin, and their forefathers as much onto you as to amplify and exaggerate anything real which actually happened. What does some trivia matter if it runs in a tangent line from the white guilt, Person of Color narrative? Worse still if it contradicts that narrative entirely?
            I don’t bathe in the delusions of revolutionary France. That is not our way. Expect what is real and transform and transcend yourself as best you can. Look to history and tradition as a guide, and build from your forefathers’s template something greater.
            We must unite more above and over the divisions between us. No longer can the small minded hatreds of hamlets, towns, and folk of Europe against each other persist. Battles wait to test us yet, numerous and savage; to spend energy bickering and fighting amongst ourselves when the enemies remain is energy wasted. Furthermore, our very enemies – whether the big tent eschatological leftist hydra, whether Islam, whether various invaders potential or current, whether Zionist infiltrators – they all perceive Europeans as a largely homogeneous lot. The only enemy unaware of this is ourselves and our own malaise.
            Perhaps our enemies know something about us that even we forget when we are caught in the messy work of daily life?
            Behold, my vision: a sprawling European world, aware of its diverse nature but unhampered in this knowledge by small squabbles. Islands of creativity dawn invention, arts, and music of shapes classic and modern. Beauty drives ingenuity as much as desire for money and fame, for what good is a legacy that in a hundred years is merely a laughingstock or tragic delusion? Money and mere things are not the center of the world, of course, and in so centering family, tradition, and nature in their proper places in our world and as necessary for a fulfilling life, prosperity might return in less sickly form to the West.
            Through various incentives, we also lower the fertility of the intellectual, socio-economic lower classes. This means voluntary sterilization for men and women of low quality who’ve had one child, and involuntary sterilization if they are retarded and this retardation is genetic in origin. We also must recall the rightful place of women: out of the voting booth, to the extent democracy should exist; out of unfulfilling careers for the median woman, toward rearing healthy families at an earlier age, where they can reenter the work force after their children have nearly weaned. Most women should be starting their families by age 22 to 26, not 36.
            To benefit the strong and smart, I personally favor as much freedom as possible as it is itself eugenic. Whether this take the form of firearms and hunting rights, some access to vices (with provisions), economic freedom, free speech, or what is secondary – the weak weed themselves out, incapable of handling liberty, begging for a fatherly hand to help them. I don’t oppose all assistance, but one who needs assistance always is weak in fact. In addition to freedom, as far as others who favor cozy paternalistic socialism, the vibrant culture ought have fine people pursuing more than mere material and seeking out the great works in this world as well as taking up challenging ends, whatever they be. As honesty is a necessary trait and should be sought short of absurdity, I think it would be wise if legal systems in the future reflected this and reduced the legroom for information asymmetry and fraud. Deception has its role in warfare, but not in the marketplace.
            I propose as others have a sort of loose confederacy of all the white nations of the Earth and a friendship with the other high functioning peoples. I don’t suggest a constricting political bond in perpetuity, but something simpler, something which harks to a time we can all understand: a shared oath. We shall never wage total war against Europeans. We shall never spill the blood of Europeans for small-minded causes. As brothers and cousins all, we shall unite in times of need against the rats, vipers, and jackals which threaten to strike at us, rather than seek to fight apart.  
            Combined with the infiltration of the arts and entertainment complex by the Semitic others, I suspect that the crushing way with which Japan and Germany were dispatched in the Second World War in avoiding conditional surrender had something to do with the global rise of post-war nihilism. The horrors of the war, real and imagined, combined with the psychic toll of nations torn, ruined, and broken down, as well as financially trashed after the fact left an indelible mark. That is a cost we should seek to avoid visiting in the future upon fellow Europeans. It is a cost we should impose upon our non-European enemies at every opportunity if they give us the first reason.
            Struggle makes a man strong for war. Without facing resistance, bloodshed, and weariness, how can he possibly prepare for foes on the battlefield? How weak must his own mindscape be? No wonder depression, neuroticism, and suicide are so commonplace.

            Ready yourself today that you are better for the struggle tomorrow. 


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