Toward A New Barbarism, Part VII: Notes on the Old Testament I
In similar way to Shoah, we can interpret most of Jewish myth through esoteric lens. Most pogroms speak of thousands or tens of thousands of Jews dying, when in reality most of them involved a few, or at worst a few hundred Jews dying and a few hundred more losing property to theft and vandalism. This was routinely exaggerated in what is now understood as the Jewish archetype of the crying victim. The Jew routinely exaggerates any wounds to their people; vandalism is assault, assault is murder, singular murder is mass murder, a few murders are orgiastic murder, and tens or hundreds of murders are attempts at genocide. This is because most Jews fundamentally share the view of Chabad Lubavitch, which is that gentile people are like cattle and the blood of one Jew is worth more than the lives of all gentiles on the Earth. Chabad are just the bad manners, bad optics Hasidic version who are very effective at operating and organizing for the interests of international Jewry generally a...