Toward a New Barbarism, Part V
on QAnon:
found the question of QAnon fascinating. Q
for future reference was of course a poster on an ostensibly anonymous
image board (really, two image boards) who posted under the moniker Q with a unique alphanumeric ‘trip code.’
We will assume for the sake of conversation that this is one person for a
moment and we can use the pronoun ‘he.’ Anyway, he would post generally vague
information with links to Wikileaks dumps, government or think tank (like RAND)
white papers, and photos.
posts were structured in such a way as to create an ARG – alternate reality
game. These had become popular since about 2004 or 2005 with the explosion of
cellphones and increasing with the penetration of cell phones and GPS into daily life. One could encode
information onto a GPS map, or GPS coordinates into text or images or what have
you and lead people on a real life goose chase or Easter egg hunt. The whole
purpose was to encode clues in such a way as to require a path through multiple
media (books, films, photos, etc) at the end of which was revealed some prize.
Most of these ARGs were elaborate marketing schemes for movies, video games, or
TV shows, and were held in major megalopolises like Seattle, LA, or New York.
not sure how many people have been involved in ARGs over the past 15 years, or
what went into the development thereof, but I’ve become increasingly suspicious
and paranoid of the motives of all of these types of things. I suspect that the
mass man, which is to say anyone not in the
managerial or ruling class (and probably, frankly even some of the more
replaceable elements of the managerial class), has been studied like a lab rat the past 70 or 80 years
with the purpose of being able to predict and drive behavior toward certain
outcomes. The ARG would fit in neatly with that. I thus suspect that at least
some of the ARGs were developed and tested with this end in mind – to see if
one could get random anonymous people in large cities to follow dubious
instructions in what amounted to generally marketing shill campaigns. All the
better if it involves grabbing a piece of paper in a tube tied under a urinal
only used scantily by the homeless, climbing into a sketchy abandoned building
or water diversion infrastructure for the next clue. The more absurd the ask,
the better because it is testing what
will people do for an uncertain reward.
of the ARGs which were marketing campaigns gave cash prizes, some only gave recognition
and token prizes (T-shirts, mugs, other memorabilia) to the winners. Pokemon-Go
was one of the latest iterations of the ARG. Pokemon are generally randomly
dispersed, but some are intentionally placed. Perhaps the rarest pokemon will
be placed in dangerous black neighborhoods or on active volcanoes. Will people
still go after them? The obvious answer in some cases is ‘yes.’ Some people
will walk straight into the jaws of danger in a very stupid way, for a digital
pet which has no real material or metaphysical upshot for them outside of a
small dopamine hit.
question we should ask about this is why
would ‘they’ – ‘they’ being the plutocrats, oligarchs, central planners,
whatever you want to call the few hundred thousand people who run the world of
affairs for several billion – why would ‘they’
want to get people playing ARGs at all? One answer is it is a way to waste
time. It is a pure diversion away from anything that could matter, say their
material needs or discomfort or political crises, to something that is purely
frivolous. One answer is as an experiment – see who the most gullible or easily
amused elements are, and try to sate them in any way one can. Another answer,
and this is more speculative than the last two, is that it is a way of getting
people to accept what is going to be the future for most working class elements.
Most jobs in the future will be gig or contract jobs, where you will receive
work from an app on a mobile phone or some other communication device worn on
the body. You will do the work per shady instructions on the app without
necessarily knowing why or what for or the destination. For instance, one might
be delivering mysterious packages one day and one might be delivering messages
the next – or one might be enlisted in physical labor or other work of some
sort if one has the requisite skill. But the app will tell an electrician for
instance simply to run conduit and connect it to a junction box without
necessarily spelling out the reason for it (this is a potentially innocuous
example – one can think of more sinister things).
would fit in with the Great Reset quite nicely, and if that is the case then this
means that Klaus Schwab & Co. have been involved with the central planners
laying the groundwork for this Great Reset for longer than most people
to Q – there is more to it than an
ARG. That is a big aspect of it, and we see that wide swathes of people can get
sucked into a well-put together ARG. I don’t actually think that Q as an operation was all that well-put
together, all things considered. Many of the marketing ARGs had higher budgets and
better production value. Just the same, this was a psyop done by professionals.
Amateurs doing amateur research, some of whom were grifters, bandwagon hangers-on,
and some of whom were true believers, are going to pale in comparison to a
group of intelligence agents whose jobs involve knowing obscured or classified
information and deceiving and manipulating the public.
reason it worked at convincing so many people was not merely the ARG element in
which people became invested because they had to put in a little bit of work to
tease out some retarded riddle. That helped, but if that was the only aspect it
would have died out quickly. Another key ingredient is that of the modified
limited hangout. That is, damaging information is exposed, but elements of the
story are changed and the extent of the damage is concealed. For example: Q would highlight ‘Pizzagate’ and the
Epstein kompromat ring, but draw his followers into retarded conclusions mostly
involving the Democrat Party and celebrities. The intention was to deflect the
damage away from the reality, which is that “Pizzagate” to include James
Alefantis and the Podestas and alleged abuse of children is not necessarily
confirmed but there is enough sign there to warrant suspicion (and
investigation in an honest country, which we do not have).
further reality is with the Epstein kompromat ring, this was not a partisan
effort. Jeffrey Epstein took politicians and officials from both parties aboard
his plane to his island or to his various properties (he also had properties in
NY, NM, Paris, and London, and we do not have the flight manifests or
entry/exit logs for any routes except for the Palm Beach to Little St James
route!). Epstein was himself not the top dog but basically a middle manager
working for Mossad and the CIA/FBI under Ghislaine Maxwell, Les Wexner, and
Ehud Barak and the MEGA Group more broadly. The reality of the Epstein
situation is that is not merely a pedophilia ring involving famous people
fucking girls anywhere from age five to 15 or 16, and that these girls were
from many countries and many seem to have disappeared (probably murdered by
goons employed by Wexner), but that this is part of a political blackmail
scheme set up by the American Crime Syndicate and namely the ‘Kosher Nostra’ Jewish
part of that syndicate and not the Wops.
is one incident of about five or six which are known by True Detective-tier
researchers which shows the decadence and decay of the Western power and money
elite. These people fuck and murder children and get away with it. In no small
part, they get away with it because of the short attention span of the public
and because of people who fall for fucking gay ops like QAnon which tells them
Epstein was really only ensnaring Bill Clinton and Tom Hanks. People should not
worship celebrities anyway and many of these celebrities are pieces of shit who
may be implicated in one child fucking ring or another, and regardless the
upper echelons of Hollywood are a largely closed club which is not open to any
old talented individual. I’ve spoken before on the lie of meritocracy and it is
as true in Hollywood as it is in just about any part of America. The point
though should not be to level accusations without good reason. I believe that
actors are generally of a low sort and should be trusted, honored, and on the
whole paid less than trade workers or professionals. But we live in a “society”
mediated by mass media, marketing, and PR where the image is more important
than reality.
were other elements of the modified limited hangout where certain facts or
events would be twisted to a partisan use to smear Democrats or “RINOs.” The
distinction of “RINO” is unwarranted and doesn’t make any sense because
Republicans are born losers. The whole purpose of Republicans in the post-war
bipartisan consensus is to be graceful losers. They are supposed to “represent”
with all due scare quotes a section of society that is being phased out of
existence. They are supposed to do this “representation” while doing nothing
materially for those people who are phased out. There is no difference between
the edgy Republican and the “RINO” except rhetorically and bills that are
drafted to expire during minority sessions or any other instance where
Republicans cannot or will not pass a given bill.
this point, I will drop the pretense of Q
being a single person. I think Q was a team effort, likely spearheaded by
one Ezra Cohen Watnick and other DOD or DIA people tied to the Trump admin.
These people were clearly trying to influence ostensible conservatives to
invest more faith in Trump and ‘white hats’ which was their name for some
alleged ‘good conservative’ element of government (particularly in military and
intelligence), and to trust in a plan elements of which were occasionally
strutted out. The elements of that plan usually consisted of supposed mass
arrests, “sealed indictments”, and coded phrases which were supposed to
indicate some moment where the Occulted Imam –err, white hats – were supposed
to step forward and like Jesus during the pre-tribulation rapture deliver his
followers from suffering.
other aspect of the Q psyop is dipping into the well of dispensationalism. As
hinted immediately above, “the plan” in which Q followers were supposed to
trust was supposed to be some event the likes of which are lifted straight out
of evangelical Christian accounts of a pre-tribulation rapture. The dispensationalist
account is basically something between heresy and blasphemy anyway, as there is
nothing in Revelation which indicates that reading in any way. Dual covenant
theology likewise. Nonetheless, dispensationalism and dual covenant theology
have both grown precipitously in the past 150 years. This inspires a hopeful
view, that no matter what “the good guys win in the end” and also a passive
view. He who believes in the dispensationalist account, or in the Occulted Imam*,
can sit back to some degree and wait for the end with little or no consequence.
Passivity won’t hurt you because all is set right no matter what. I can see
only two reasons for these views to proliferate – as copes for powerless
people, or for one group to make another more passive by tapping into their
hope and naïveté.
This is a belief among some Twelver Shi’a, a variation on a theme of which
Jason Jorjani subscribes to with his Occulted Fascist Elite thesis, which is
absurd nonsense. Basically the view is that the true heir to Mohammed was
already born and is in waiting somewhere to establish the great Islamic state.
This is otherwise known as the Mahdi.
are perhaps the most visible and obvious followers, but they’re not the only
ones. Boomers are of course used to being hopeful and believing that reality
should follow a rough movie or novel plot arc. It rarely follows one so well,
but the boomer holds some hope in the back of their shriveled brain that one
day the conclusion of the plot arc of the past 70 years will be revealed, the
hero will step forth, and the tragedy will be turned into a heroic triumph.
There are younger people who share this rough frame of mind. Many of them feel
that without something to pin their
hopes (or copes) on, there is no reason to keep living. This is a fundamentally
weak and despondent frame of mind where some great daddy figure must save them
while they meekly wage slave and follow orders. It is the plight of the house
nigger, hoping that one day Nat Turner’s gang will come around and free them
but unwilling to lift a finger in the pursuit of their freedom. Increasingly
the younger generations of white Americans are becoming field niggers and
whatever the caste of nigger was that was given to sexual slavery and total
ritual humiliation and debasement. (Did such a thing exist? Negress breeders? I
don’t think so. I think niggers had more dignity than the modern middle class
white American.)
now we have wrapped around to ‘why.’ Why this? I think like ARGs in general,
one potential motivation is as a distraction. Yes, some damaging information
was exposed or at least referenced by Q, as it is important to note that those
posting under the Q trip code never actually leaked anything themselves. That
in itself is revealing – references without dumps or leaks. Yet like above,
these were almost all modified limited hangouts. If certain information is
going to get out – like Epstein, “Pizzagate” (which I contend is a fucking
stupid name), problems with the official narrative on 9/11, or various
intelligence mishaps – it is best to step out and seed one’s own narratives.
Intel agencies like doing this, giving out truth and bullshit in equal measure
in general, and feeding to some largely delusion. Some portions of the ‘conspiracy’
community are intelligence assets whose purpose is to deliver these absolutely
astoundingly retarded narratives, whether it be no planes 9/11 or JFK was shot
by a Martian or Hitler living in Antarctica. It is actually true that one
cannot contain the truth indefinitely, but one can throw up so many
contradictory narratives that if you have 10 people in a room, they will
believe 12 things and any uninformed onlookers will tune out or believe the official
account out of convenience. The truth about the American government since the
1930s usually involves a lot more hooknoses than intel shills will admit openly.
second major motivating factor is the “hopium” or “copium” angle. Getting
people invested in Trump as an almost Messianic figure would have them not only
passive and compliant, which is good as intel agencies foremost want a
compliant populace to dick with, but it would have them surely voting for
Trump. It turns out because of: dickery in swing states, probable fraud, and a
drop in turnout in a key demographic of Trump voters (namely white men in swing
states), these Q believing plan trusters didn’t matter much in the final
analysis. They were not enough to seal the deal for Trump’s presidential bid,
and despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth, Trump lacked the balls necessary
to contest the election, commit to fraud himself, or even secure the election
beforehand and so he handed the office to his successor whom his supporters
view now as illegitimate. If the Demonrat narrative were true and the Communist
takeover were right around the corner about to devastate the country, and the
only thing standing in between that outcome and normalcy was Trump, would not
anything be justified to achieve electoral victory? If your opponent was
already known to cheat, and was furthermore believed to be almost demonic in
their wicked behavior, evil, and maltreatment of the people broadly, would not
anything be justified to achieve victory? The fact that Republicans generally
and Trump specifically lie down belies that claim. As above, Republicans (and
Trump) were born to lose.
third potential motivating factor is the ‘white hat’ bit. It is supposed to get
conservatives to believe that no matter how desperate or awful things seem, there
is a faction of loyal conservatives in the government who are standing guard
who won’t let things get too bad. This feeds in with the previous two bits, but
it helps keep people invested in the government or at least not outright hating
it. They suspect there is some faction of the White Army out there still fighting,
or at least a sympathetic Red Army faction waiting to turn on the Communist
Party cadre. It’s pure bullshit and anyone with a critical eye knows it. You
are living in an occupation government run by people who hate you, who have no
check on their behavior. Those who run this world could kill you and your whole
family and nothing would come of it. Your name would likely be wiped off the
record, and unless some intrepid journalist reports it truthfully you will
likely be slandered or merely mentioned as having gone down in an untimely
accident. This is the awful truth – things are bad, worse than they’ve ever
been. It would have been easier to “do something” 20 years ago, or 40 years
ago, but shit eating, glue huffing fucking retards kicked the can down the road
and now we’re stuck with the bag.
fourth potential motivating factor is that all of the Q memorabilia, events,
sites, etc make people easy to track. Maybe you’re not the most high risk
person, but as someone who is even questioning the conventional narrative and
entertaining “conspiracy theories”, you are a potential threat and need to be
watched to some capacity. Preferably, Q people should be cowed with gay ops –
intelligence stings, entrapment schemes, and the like designed to periodically
imprison or turn Q followers into informants and extend the eyes of the
intelligence services. The sad fact is that conservatives, libertarians, and
anarchists have no idea what it is like being a dissident. They have no idea
how actual dissidents were treated in the USSR or other similar regimes. They
also have no idea what tactics the intelligence-security agencies use to try to
wrap up perceived problems for power.
won’t use the derogatory term ‘Q-tard’ for people who were suckered by this psychological
operation. Just the same, there were a
large number of Trump supporters who were suckers for this shit and should
realize that they were fools and try to fix their problem. Was the problem
their raw gullibility, or the hopeful naiveté bordering on delusion? Hope is
good, delusion can even be fine but not if one is deluding oneself off a cliff.
Q is just short of that. These people were told to ‘trust the plan’ for 4 years
despite repeated failures of predictions to manifest, or for various “plans” to
be carried out. Anyone with a sober appraisal had suspicions 2 weeks after
inauguration day in February 2017 and serious doubts 9 months later. By the end
of 2018, I had given up all hope on Trump and concluded he was a Jew shill. As candidate
Trump, I had what I thought were realistic expectations – that he would be a
delaying action, a disappointment to a degree but achieve about one-third of
his total campaign promises – but he disappointed even that.
who was onboard with Trump in 2015 and 2016, or worse bone and marrow
conservatives (losers) who were with Romney in 2012 and initially went with
Cruz in 2015 and ’16 until Trump won the primary – but who nonetheless stayed
despite the total disappointment and memed a fake cult of personality into
being needs to reckon with reality. You don’t need an orange father figure.
Trump would fail you in that role as well. You need a society. Full-stop. You
do not have one right now, you have the facsimile or simulation of one. Stop
trusting the plan. Right now there is no plan that includes you (assuming you
are white) or a future for your [white] children.
will move on from Q specifically to intelligence agencies broadly. They are a
relatively new phenomenon. They are viewed widely with some distrust, but
certain narratives bleed out which are meant to inspire at least selective
trust. I think that was the point of the ‘War on Terror’ and of the Bin Laden
raid specifically. The Bin Laden raid served several purposes – a neat way to
wrap up the ‘War on Terror’, a neat win for the Obama admin, and also a win for
the intel agencies. Of course Osama Bin Laden was probably already dead at that
point and had been dead for anywhere from 5 to 10 years. We don’t really know.
They probably killed a relative of his or a body double. Most of the films of
“Osama” which were paraded on American TV between 2001 and 2004 were not him, but an Arab who looked vaguely
like him. The famous clip of him claiming responsibility for 9/11 was
definitely not him, as there was a separate clip where he did an optics move
and disavowed 9/11 which definitely was him. But this is something the American
public did not know in 2001 or 2002, and does not widely know now, but those
who do know are aware too late. The critical window passed.
itself was orchestrated by Israelis with cooperation from American
intelligence. Many of those in “American intelligence” who helped the Israelis
bring down the World Trade Centers were themselves dual citizens. For pieces of
evidence, I submit: 1) WTC 7 collapsing in its own footprint like a classic
controlled demo for no apparent reason; 2) molten metal gushing out of one of
the towers clearly on camera about 15 minutes before its collapse; 3) ‘dancing
Israelis’ – Mossad operatives, at least 4, who were staged starting the prior
day on the New Jersey side of the city with cameras, and caught with explosives
and demolitions gear as well as disguises and clearly knew the when & what;
4) recently released security footage from the Pentagon which shows it was
probably struck with a missile but certainly not a 737 or 747 as alleged, a
missile or other slender non-passenger jet projectile is clearly visible for 3
or 4 frames; 5) Muhammad Atta’s passport neatly discovered shortly after the
collapse of one of the towers; 6) Larry Silverstein took out a massive insurance
policy on the buildings only weeks prior; 7) Nearly all of the Israelis working
at the towers were evacuated early, including those working at one company who were fucking paged over an hour before the attacks.
only way one can dismiss those claims is the general conspiracy claim or with blanket
incredulity and affirmation of the official story. On the other hand, the
official story claims that invading Iraq and Afghanistan was logical despite
nearly all of the highjackers hailing from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The
highjackers were known quantities and their plan was allowed to proceed apace,
along with material support on the side from Israelis both within and without
the US government. Any one of those claims above, if true, sheds some doubt on
the official narrative. All of them together kill the motherfucker and
necessitate something else to be true.
intel ops aren’t as big and flashy as the 9/11 op. With total media control,
and the modern intelligence-security agencies have basically full control or at
least cooperation from the media, there is a far greater breadth of latitude.
Still, we have for instance color revolutions. The official US position is that
these color revolutions are spontaneous, but the rest of the world knows that
nearly all if not all of them are caused by agitation from a concert of CIA and
State department assets in country along with American-based multinational
corporations and media concerns. Countries are pressured after some weakness is
sniffed out, and the pressure is ramped up continuously through economic,
diplomatic, political, and covert means. Like with everything involving liberal
plutocracy, this is dressed up as a great awakening of the people to overthrow
some injustice and seek liberation, but it is usually anything but.
who looks at intelligence-security agencies could have nothing but distrust. If
you are an oligarch, these agencies are good old friends. They have been loyal
and done excellent service. As an everyman, they are terrifying tools – they
represent thousands or tens of thousands of people, many of whom are
compartmentalized and do not fully know what they are contributing to or why
they do what they do. Like those in the military, they exhibit an essentially
mercenary attitude or they are fundamentally delusional about the country they
live in.
agencies can create enemies out of whole cloth. They can paint a target on
one’s back and gin up support in the wider society for one’s endless
imprisonment or death. This is terrifying. 300 years ago, tyranny was not so
easy to justify – generally a dissident could not so easily be tarred. Even the
Marquis de Sade, whom the king had a good reason to throw in the Bastille, was
ultimately viewed sympathetically by a large swathe of the public (maybe not
the whole public, but still). In the present day, “white supremacy” is one slur
that is used to paint a target on the backs of opponents of the system, real or
perceived. Because of the successful demonization campaign of “white
supremacy,” there is sufficient support for harsh treatment against such people
that virtually anything can be done to one so labeled.
isn’t anyone’s fault that they fall for intelligence ops individually. These
operations can be very skilfully crafted. Sometimes they’re very convincing.
Modified limited hangouts or other techniques are specifically created in such
a way that they follow the Jewish formula of ‘two truths and a lie’ – you hook
someone with two true statements and swindle them with a fat load of shit
tacked on the end. Just the same, anyone with eyes to see eventually sees the
cracks. If you have a good head and everything that goes with it, there comes a
point where the veil that the intel op sets over your eyes starts to wear thin.
Sometimes it wears thin quickly in a matter of weeks, other times it takes
years to burn away. At that point, one has to reckon with the fact that they
have been deceived and overcome this. If one stays overly invested, one builds
excuses for the lie or expands the lie into delusion.
thing people should ask themselves is why there are so many lies. Why are there
so many things which have little (or not so little) fences drawn around them in
ways that people feel compelled now to lie. Virtually everyone lies and often
in not subtle and in very bothersome ways. I’ve been lied to personally about
everything from jobs to future prospects to large parts of my childhood
education. I’ve been told I “am free” and “able to do anything I set my mind
to” when in fact I was destined for debt slavery unless I could connive my way
into the managerial class. The power elite was obviously off limits because I
wasn’t born into it. One could call these benign lies, but the first thing with
slavery is to wake up to the reality of slavery. I wonder if the Soviet Union
was mired in so many lies as we are, and I am compelled to think that actually
Pravda (the newspaper) was probably more truthful than most American news and
Soviet history books probably more truthful than most American history texts.
is derided. Yet what is the claim that Jewish “holocaust survivors” and their
children (and grandchildren!) suffer “intergenerational trauma”? Is that not
but an updated form of Lysenkoism? The Jewish control mechanism is not to use
religion, but to abolish it either quickly or slowly (the former being the
Communist path, the latter being the Western ‘liberal’ path) and to replace it
with other mechanisms of control which rely on lies and manipulation. The most
insidious thing with the Western ‘liberal’ path is that the control scheme
unfolds over several generations. The Communist path was more forceful, and
generally imposed all of its schemes within one or at most two generations; the
Western ‘liberal’ path is more subtle and unwound from basically 1900 to
new Lysenkoism is a minor example. The Shoah or Holocaust narrative per se is a
far bigger lie. The white guilt and white privilege narrative is a far bigger
lie. White guilt and white privilege is largely projecting the narrow crimes of
elites and Jews onto working and middle class whites Europeans who had little
or nothing to do with the commission of these crimes. Per chance the allegation
was even true, these “crimes” to the extent we entertain the notion would not
even be exceptional in history. Arabs held more slaves throughout history, Jews
were central to the West Eurasian and North African slave trade for over a
thousand years, Jews were also unequivocally guilty at least in some cases of
so-called “blood libel” acts which is to say ritual murder of gentile children
(see: Blood Passover, A. Toaff for a
Jewish source), and some of the alleged genocides caused by European empires
are either exaggerated or did not happen. For instance: the Bengal famine is
alleged by some as a genocide, but there seem now to have been British relief
efforts but those relief efforts were insufficient to stop a few million
Bengalis from starving to death. Similarly with the Belgian King Leopold and
his Congolese colony: it seems not as many Congolese died as are alleged by
modern authors, and many of those who did die in that period were often killed
in tribal warfare or from disease. One cannot level claims of “genocide” at a
European power on these grounds honestly.
we see that the claims against most of the European powers exist to be stood up
and repeated. That they might be hollow is beside the point, as those who
crafted these narratives know that most students will not look into them any
farther than a basic history course, and the demoralization effort will
succeed. How does this tie into intel agencies? Counter intelligence and
misinformation are two missions these agencies undertake. They target not only
nominal enemy nations but the populace under occupation as well, which for the
CIA for instance would be the American people and for MI6 would be the British
people. These agencies have virtually all had their equivalent of the American
CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird was an effort to put CIA liaisons,
agents, and analysts at work at least part time in media and entertainment
organizations. Their job was not only to produce PR that favored the intel
agencies, but also to shill for whatever the agencies needed doing at the time.
Even if one looks aside from Mockingbird, all of the major American
broadcasting companies (ABC, CBS, NBC) and circulars like TIME-LIFE were
founded in the 1940s and early ‘50s by people who were veterans of the state
department, OSS, and wartime propaganda department. The lie with these
broadcast companies, as with Silicon Valley 20-30 years later, was that these
were purely “private” efforts when in fact they were public-private trusts from
the start.
not so great when you consider the fact that by 2015, all major mass
communications were controlled by these corporations or parallel and spin-off
efforts (these spin-offs include TIME-Warner or film studios like Universal
which merged with TV corporations). Every major American city’s newspaper
almost without exception was controlled by one of these corporations. Every
local television station was and still is an affiliate of one of these
monolithic corporations. While worrying, this is simply following the greater
trend of centralization and consolidation that we have seen in the past 70-80
years conservatively. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act has done nothing to combat the
size of these monolithic firms, indeed the number and scale of these firms has
exploded since its passage which indicates that who is in charge, who
interprets the law, and who is backstopping enforcement of the law matters a
hell of a lot more than the wording or spirit of a law (if indeed that matters
much at all). A good law can be ignored. A bad law can be zealously but
arbitrarily enforced against the enemies of the powerful.
fair amount of what I do is analyzing intel agencies. This is an interesting
turn. Even five years ago, I did not believe GMO crops were unequivocally bad
or petrochemicals were all that harmful. I’ve changed on that completely. I’ve
also taken a sharper look at the intel agencies. I was always suspicious of
them, but believed other things mattered more. It seems now that as I said
prior, the actual three branches of government are finance, media, and
intel-security. I’ve railed before against the civics course model of
government, the conventional org chart and the “executive, legislative,
judicial” layout they preach. It seems now that even the military is
subservient to the three actual branches of government, as military units rely
on intelligence to tell them who to fight and where, and they rely on finance
and logistics for material support, and they rely on the media for legitimacy.
If any one of those branches pulls its support the military – an ostensibly
powerful arm of government – is powerless in the present arrangement and will
be incapable of action. Perhaps that was the real reason generals refuse to
station American soldiers on the Mexican border? If the media delegitimizes
border policing actions by the military, the military will find itself under
fire by citizens and politicians and demoralized as well as incapable of doing
its job as prescribed by the nominal executive.
have the QAnon psyop. We have media liaisons like Seymour Hirsch, Henry Luce,
the Sulzburgers, Vicki Ward – basically everyone who is in charge of the
public-private trusts mentioned or hinted above and several of the big
journalists under them at places like the NY Times, Vanity Fair, or CNN. On
CNN, they have “retired” CIA officials. Most of the wire agencies were founded
by Jews or cosmopolitan gentiles working for merchant bankers (usually the
Rothschilds or their cousins). Forsooth, who speaks plainly in our rotten age?
If my contention is true – and it is – it would seem ‘no one’ is the sad fact –
at least on the major television networks and newspapers.
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