Toward a New Barbarism, Part VI
politically requires making a coalition of interests. One does this by forming
an elite who agree willingly to work together despite some lack of obvious
shared material interest. Ideology has the same effect as willing agreement on
elites except on managers and rump supporters, often unwittingly. By the dictum
of Clausewitz – war as continuation of politics and vice versa – we see that
war functions similarly. We use symbols, myth, and the like to stir the broad
mass of supporters in war while the leaders are usually more focused on their
interests. One tries to build a coalition before going to war and keep it
strong or, if need be, strengthen it in the course of the war.
side in a struggle has the best coalition, be it political struggle or overtly
material in nature, will probably win. If this strength is relative, then that
is fine; if one is strong by virtue of the fact that the enemy’s coalition has
been undermined by skullduggery and backstabbing, then so be it. Strength is
measured not by big muscles or aesthetics but who can viably win. Who deals the
killing blow is ‘strong’ and who falls is ‘weaker’ and that really is the
ontology of strength in political struggle.
we come to the first problem that we see among pathological conservatives: they
are unified by their utter inability to gather into working coalitions. They
find winning anathema just as they find forming broader groups with greater
resources and power antithetical to their being. The conservative ethos for our
time (and possibly all time) prizes being a graceful loser. This is an ethic
that should be carted to a high cliff in a wheelchair and shoved off. God
willing, along with its greatest proponents. We see this as a theme among
various religious conservatives, especially Catholic reactionaries. As I have
said in the past, I don’t really care about delusion and so Catholic delusion
doesn’t particularly bother me except for the fact that they are particularly
aggressive and provincial.
also see this as a theme among people overly attached to a certain tactic or
form of branding (‘optics’ types). The branding or tactic is seen as an end in
itself after a time, rather than a tool. It makes some sense to divide
propaganda by focus as well as by target. Propaganda for initiates long in the
struggle is probably different from propaganda for people new to dissent to
globohomo (or whatever the relevant struggle is). It doesn’t make sense to turn
this natural branching out into something crystallized, where each refuses to
work with the other party engaged in the struggle out in the murky depths of
the future and disavows the erstwhile friend or ally for small minded nonsense.
gulf between the future vision of Catholic reactionaries and many other
dissidents is rather small. Despite this, they will often ghettoize to the
point of refusing to work with others. The same is true of ‘optics’ types. The
same is true of various others in or adjacent to dissident spheres. This is
puzzling behavior on the surface. There seem to be two conflicting aims: 1) the
desire to affect real and lasting change, and 2) the desire to engage
provincially, to ghettoize, and to concentrate among very like folk. These are
completely contradictory and can in no way compliment or coexist. (Note: there
are praiseworthy exceptions to what I’ve said here, for instance Tim Kelly at
Our Interesting Times and some more lucid reactionaries, and I genuinely like a
lot of these guys.)
asset Billiam Fuckley, co-founder of the National Review, did exactly what we
see above. He was interested in provincial bullshit, in coopting people with
conservative sentiments with empty honey and succor which would ultimately
achieve naught, and he was himself undermined by his extensive intelligence
contacts as well as his penchant for bribes and being a shill for Jews. He
would also progressively narrow the ‘conservative’ coalition window over time,
cutting off those he deemed too close to newfangled “third rails” around making
reasoned observation, speaking truth, and collecting and stating information
(to include statistics). He was also a Catholic. With a name like Buckley and
his Ivy League and CIA past, I’m not really sure his family back in Britain
were Catholic non-conformists though it’s possible, but at the least he (or his
family) converted with the wholesale collapse of American high church
Protestant social and political power which occurred roughly around 1920-1950.
can spend most of one’s time and efforts, say, as a Catholic trying to work
with other Catholics and getting them away from the Post-War International
Order’s consensus, from Americanism and –isms tied to it, and from American economic
and cultural poison. At the same time, one could reach out to other, slightly
differing dissidents on occasion to feel for how a coalition can be built in
the future. These are complimentary acts which build toward more power. This
is, in fact, the way the average dissident should probably act. That which is
nearer to the hearth is more ready-at-hand. Most of us have no power over the
great wizards of finance or the goblins and devils of the intelligence-security
apparatus or the other substantive nodes of power. We do have some power in our
small spheres, though, and can dialogue with others in a similar way.
A non-trivial portion of my work is
analyzing the way in which the Post-War International Order has operated in
realpolitik terms and broken upstart dissident movements since the 1930s. One
can refer to that if necessary, and I will take it for granted going forward.
who shouts down others as “Jews”, “Feds”, “Russian agents”, or similar words
used to cast suspicion especially without good evidence should be seen
themselves with suspicion. Anyone who uses the term ‘wignat’ should be seen
with suspicion. Andy Nowicki and Colin Liddell, for instance, began engaging in
the above (use of ‘wignat’, liberal accusations of ‘fed’, ‘Russian agents’ and
so on), as did numerous people tied with Anglin’s Daily Stormer. Personalities
may conflict. Fallings out happen. I don’t see a problem with this or with
distance between quibbling parties. All the same, most of the venom should be
kept BEHIND THE SCENES. This is a drum I have beat for years – a desire to
increase movement discipline first by keeping major issues in back channels. If
they cannot be resolved, a split without public drama and minimal comment is
best. Most of the time, there is no good reason for a dramatic split if it does
not involve some type of great personal betrayal – usually involving someone
revealing things they should not have, stealing things they should not have, or
fucking someone they should not have or things of that ilk.
of that isn’t to say feds do not appear in dissident circles, or informants are
not a problem, or Jews and people using Jewish lies or Jewish narratives are
not a problem – all of these things are problems but leveling a charge requires
at least good circumstantial evidence. With one like Patrick Casey, for
instance, we have a man who has repeatedly doxed intentionally or inadvertently
members of Identity Europa and then its abortive successor American Identity
Movement, who was media coordinator for Red Ice on the ground during
Charlottesville when they had an outage (and they were our only media in town), and in the successive years since 2018 he
has worked mostly with ‘civnat’ ‘groyper’ types like Nick Fuentes in dividing
and subverting the online dissident movement. From a pattern of behavior like
this, it is apparent that Patrick Casey is highly suspicious and probably a
federal asset or informant, or perhaps on the payroll of an organization like
the ADL or SPLC. The JDL and other Kahanist groups have been known to take
similar tactics in the past as well in paying oddballs in dissident movements
to stir shit, sling mud, and spew bile and retarded ideas. The SPLC has paid
for dox and private membership lists before. Basically all of these orgs have
done illegal intelligence gathering shit that is winked at by the courts
because they’re Jewish orgs.
is an obvious portmanteau of ‘wigger’ and ‘nationalist.’ It privileges civic or
faith based identity over racial identity. We see that with identity understood
as concentric spheres, it does not do to put a cosmopolitan and value-centric identity
which can then be swiftly coopted as it has been in fact into a market and
money-centric identity over blood and kin. The term above is a way of demoting
the status of racial identity for our group within
or among nominal dissidents while the enemy continues to moralize ethnic
Others and encourage their bonding along those self-same lines. In other words,
the cocksucking moron using this term is doing the same job as Tim Wise and
other Jewish cultural operatives, but with a stab in the back rather than a
frontal barrage. This is not to mention the fact that the portmanteau on its
face really makes no sense because far fewer ‘wignats’ are in fact white
niggers than civic nationalists or adherents to the plutocratic left.
Fuentes has received many high dollar donations to the tunes of thousands,
recurring, and one very large bitcoin donation. These in concert with his
sudden change of heart on certain issues, almost coinciding with large payments
rendered, indicate that we should be suspicious of him like Casey. Fuentes is
possibly an informant or asset of some type, having felt pressured after
Charlottesville, but more likely he was simply coopted with bribes. We also
have good circumstantial evidence that he is a homosexual or at least has very strong
homosexual tendencies, in the ‘Catboy Kami’ ‘dates’ and in his verbal
harassment of other ‘groypers.’
short, anyone doing the enemy’s work needs to call themselves a foe and be done
with it. Dispatch with the illusion of friendship or allegiance. Doxing or
otherwise pointing out someone who is a probable or known fed or informant is
one thing. Doxing someone whom one has a tiff with is quite another and is
again work of the enemy. Our people need foremost: 1) leadership and guidance;
2) community and support; 3) MORALIZATION AND AFFIRMATION. We can often trace
the rise in our people killing themselves through alcohol, drugs, and more
extreme means to a lack in their lives of one or more of those three things.
Anyone working against those is again doing work of the enemy.
we will be stronger, those of us who make it to the end of this harrowing of
history, we do not need to worsen things. Anyone who makes things worse on
their people without just cause, without due compassion, and without good reason
betrays themselves as doing the work of the enemy. If your instinctive reaction
to kith and kin is not to reach out with kindness first, or to help them up
who is antagonizing small differences at the moment when we have essentially a
grinding campaign of siege warfare to conduct (READ SIEGE), we have a fucking
problem. This is one of the reason I bring up Catholic reactionaries so much,
as emblematic of this; I have heard Catholics, primarily Irish American
Catholics, who are always spitting venom at Protestants or dissenters of any
stripe. This despite the fact that WE ARE IN A LONG TERM WAR FOR OUR SURVIVAL
THAT TRANSCENDS YOUR ROTTING CHURCH. This is a mostly American phenomenon. The
Irish in America seem to be a lower sort, given to civic corruption and
superstition and very homosexual provincialism, as the Irish in Ireland seem to
not suffer these things to nearly the same degree. The Irish in Ireland indeed
seem to be more physically attractive as well as more psychologically normal; I
venture to say that a large portion of those Irish who were shunted to the New
World were some cancerous, mutant growth on the underbelly of Ireland, and the
modern Irish are the better for having lost these twats. Indeed, setting the
Emerald Isle aside, for the rest of Catholic Europe you hardly ever hear
similar things as in American Catholic circles, certainly not to the rate that
you do in America.
that above is too harsh a condemnation of white Americans of Irish descent. If
so, forgive me but I believe that Americans are somewhat more given to
pathology than Europeans or even other colonials man for man.
again, Europeans in general (on or near our side of dissent) for all of their
problems are less intellectually provincial and in many ways less
psychologically sick than Americans. Americans have their Constitutional cope,
their great expanse cope, and their ‘muh freedom’ liberal delusion copes, but
in the final analysis all of these copes (like most before them) have failed to
materialize into anything thus far. The great expanse of America buys more
space for the wreckage and trash to spread out in, and more time for delusional
white Americans to flit away. Obviously some Europeans are caught in petty
nationalism in an age where the nation is maladapted, being too small for big
problems and too big for small problems (I believe de Benoist said this). We
are fundamentally in an imperial age and you are dealing with imperium going forward, no bones about
it. We see that many in the dissident sphere have even raised the reductio of pan-nationalism – it would
require some international order to assert it.
have criticized empire as being a necessarily cosmopolitan force. This is not necessarily the case, but nationalism
actually was used to homogenize the kingdoms and republics of Europe before and
then along with mass media and communications. Nationalism and empire are both
tools, and right now I see small nationalisms like Irish nationalism as
embodied by Sinn Fein and the PIRA or various would-be breakaway republics in
Europe as a failure. Irish nationalism is not a hypothetical failure but a real
failure, Ireland having gone and passed from British ownership to now pawn of
global plutocratic capital, and subject to the same forces of multiculturalism,
mass migration, and cultural GRIDS as the rest of Western or European
civilization has. Both nationalism and empire and be used for good or ill, and
that entirely depends on who is at the helm and what their aims are.
and nationalism both have problems depending on who wields them. Power has
problems depending on who wields it. This is the great quandary of our age. I
am agnostic on forms and structures of power. I no longer believe that
structures dictate very much what happens, except to a small degree. I believe
people are far more important in seeing things through. If you fill the most
perfectly structured court with human scum, that court will turn into a den of
villainy. On the one hand, I think that kings have better aesthetics and cool
factor than democracies and republics; on the other, I think that any system with
our people can work depending on who is actually running things. In terms of ‘who’
is actually running things, we see it is a tiny oligarchy, perhaps 800,000 in
all including the core power elites and their very senior most officers and
managers, who centrally plan and order things for about 4.5 billion people.
Democracy means ‘rule of the people’ and republic comes from res publica which means essentially ‘shared
space’ or ‘our commons.’ We see that these terms are both inadequate to
describe the system of hypermodern centralization and consolidation we live
world supremacy was at the time of Lothrop Stoddard essentially a fact,
although there were alien influences largely in the form of negro slaves in
America and other colonies and Jewish financiers basically all over the white
world. It is at this point not a fact in any way. The modern white West is not
supreme vis-à-vis social status, or economic power, or military strength, or by
any metric except fossils of cultural and technological legacies from the
distant past a hundred or more years ago.
has taken a toll of at least 7-10 IQ points by the Woodley effect since 1880.
The East Asian lead in IQ is likely a result of less time under dysgenic
conditions. The Jew of today is no longer as sharp as he once was – but neither
is the white man. The question is who has dulled faster, and for whom has the
toll been worse? The white man is also subject to cultural and physical poison,
with the cultural and physical poison both coming from basically all angles. The decline in the white man is apparent even since the 1960s. The footage Adam Curtis includes in his documentaries from that rough era, 1955-1970ish, is enough to show the decline in dress and looks vis-à-vis physiognomy of white Western folk.
a mixed race brood looks a white man in the eye, he looks down. When a Jew
threatens his pay cheque, he bends. When a negro asks, he kneels. Tell me: is
this something a “superior” man does? Is this something a “supreme” man does?
The answer to both is obvious. White world supremacy, a fact in 1870 or 1910,
when a European could travel most of the world in relative safety, has fallen
by the wayside. That European’s great grandchild can no longer travel the world
in that degree of relative safety, and in fact the relative safety of the
homelands has declined as has its prospects for long term security.
labor under the delusion that the world of “white supremacy” exists or is a
short stroll away. America in its current stage is probably less white than
Argentina and several other South American states. By the youth demographics,
it is already at the point of Brazil and will reach that in the total
population by 2040 at latest. Most of these people arrived in the scam/shopping
mall known as the US since 1990, and as they arrived quickly they could be
thrown back the other way quickly. Nonetheless, for the moment they are here
and must be dealt with and counted.
if the majority of those arrivals since 1990 were stripped of citizenship or
legal status and sent packing, that would resurrect the US to about year 2000
demographics for a rough stasis period of 20-30 years. That would be a trivial
resurrection and could be accomplished by fairly mild incentives, and the
remainder of the repair would need more drastic action after that in order to
restore an 80%+ white majority in North America. Brazil is not set in forever,
but it is substantially more likely that it is fixed than that the lumbering
white buffalo will realize its fate as it approaches the looming cliff.
who accuse the dissident side of being purists are fools. I extend my hand to
those of mixed race, who have at least two European grandparents (except for
those with black ancestry who I think need three European grandparents). I
extend my hand to anyone willing to work against the Jews on behalf of
civilization. Some people would not be welcome into an organization or
brotherhood with me based on the fact that they are not Aryan, but I would not
bar them from resisting the same global anti-human project and would be happy
to work with them. Just the same, this project must be led by Aryan Europeans without
much care for the wants or needs of the Other. Those wants and needs may be
bargained for in future negotiations, but we will not casually cater to their
whims if it is not in our interest.
supremacy” is something perhaps to aspire to, but it is not a condition in the
world at any level. The lowly white cows grazing at the supermarket are not
superior to dogs let alone Indios or niggers. While I like dogs a great deal
more than Indios and niggers, the dogs are less handy for making waves on the
great stage at least as far as humans are concerned. Thus Aryan futurism
becomes a matter of life and death. Ours is a future-oriented task concerned
with the uplift of our people tomorrow, and the lightening of their burdens
today. As the white animal is sick in body and mind, many of our erstwhile
people will fight us. These WERE our people, but do not belong to the Aryans of
tomorrow. To that group of men and women, the Aryans of tomorrow, belongs the
shall rehash as above. Do not think I wish to spit or kick at this people (‘the
white animal’), but this is the state of things and we must at least accept it
before we move on. I bristle at everyone who callously speaks of those who kill
themselves by whatever means as though they deserved their fate, but they are
where they are. (In this instance I point at both mainstream journalists and
conservative faggots at places like NRO.) ‘Twas not I who put them there but a
Jewish system, and its mobs of hypocrites, liars, and frauds. I merely point
out what is happening and do not relish what has befallen these people. I even
sympathize, understanding that at times any white American down on their luck
has probably felt a very strong impulse toward willful harm of self if not
outright self-destruction. This is not empty but comes from sharing the pain as
the word sympathy implies and myself being pained by their suffering. Who in
good conscience could stare idly by as this indignity was done to their people?
Even if scrawling curses on a wall is the only recourse – to do nothing?
idea is not to engage in a peasant revolt. As many others have pointed out,
peasant revolts do not work historically. This is because peasants are not good
at violence, they are retarded, and they lack coherent class consciousness.
Even if you had peasants who weren’t retarded and were good at violence, you
would have too many traitors or onlookers to have a serious shot. The idea is
to form a counter-elite. There is no counter-elite at present unless one buys
something along the lines of Jorjani’s occulted fascist elite hypothesis, which
rings of Q style coping (as I’ve pointed out recently).
what is an elite? An elite is someone, or multiple somebodies, at the top of
something. An academic elite are those who publish scholarly work that commands
the most respect, or at least they sit in chairs at institutions that people
respect. A literary elite reads and writes the most and best books of their
time, or at least they are supposed to. In hypermodernity, the elite does not
necessarily have to be good, they just have
to be. Being on top is what defines the elite – in the case of the power
elite, they are not defined by good looks, good taste, good manners, good
faith, or good grace. They have in fact none of those things. They also lack
humility and humanity – so many of them being Jews or mischlinge or utterly
slavish cosmopolitan junior partner devotees to the senior Jewish leadership.
So what defines them is that they run
things. In particular, they run things that matter, things in the past
associated with sovereigns – money, violence (police, military, intel-security,
etc.), and institutions of social control like education and media.
we fail to build a counter-elite or the counter-elite fails to displace the
present elites, then the hopes of dissidents are dashed and we are well and
truly fucked. The only thing, then, is to watch the world turn to shit from the
sidelines and hope that there are enough men of decent European stock in the
next civilization cycle to bring something good together. Thankfully, I think
our enemy is in many ways on more tenuous footing than we like to think and we
will win in the end.
side of pathological conservative especially among neoreaction types is
concerned with “auditioning” or, in less gay terms, sucking up to and probably
sucking off extant power. They believe this is the main way of gaining power.
It is a way of getting a hold of power, but for most lackeys and lickspittles,
it won’t work. You will suck cocks and juggle balls for the ability to glimpse
but not handle power. This, for anyone who is not a faggot or nebbish Jew, is
not worth the cost of admission. The power elite have most of the personnel
they need, and they probably don’t need two pence nrx bloggers to fill the
gaps. Most likely, this group is nrx intellectuals begging to be co-opted by
some small time Mr. Moneybags. Curtis Yarvin has his own series of grifts,
which he admits with surprising candor. These people are not interested in
making real change in the world but in writing fan fiction and pretending to be
elites, ideally with some fat paypigs.
over pathological conservatives again shows those who believe in false
dialectics. Those who believe, for instance, in the ‘left vs. right’ split as
real and lasting and substantial; those who believe, for instance, in the Cold
War dialectic and ‘communism (bad)’ vs. ‘capitalism (good)’; those who believe,
for instance, in the dialectic of progress. More seasoned operators are less
likely to believe in the last as it is the most patently absurd of all of these
notions. There are videos which show the world in the years
just before the Great War. Things have clearly gotten worse on any number of
grounds and I don’t really care to list them. If you can’t see how, just shut
the fuck up and listen.
of those same people believe that ‘left vs. right’ hold water on some deep
psychological or policy ground when it’s clear simply by tracking partisan
politics over the past 150 years that they do not. In some cases, America 1800
for instance, assigning one party as ‘right wing’ and one as ‘left wing’ does
not make a whole lot of sense based on the understanding we take from France in
the First or Second Republic, because basically all parties in America were
liberal republicans and most of their differences were on questions like trade
and monetary policy. Most of the founders who signed onto the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution were Freemasons. It doesn’t get more liberal
than English or Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Nearly everyone on the modern ‘left’ and
‘right’ are liberals whose arguments are about who is the proper scapegoat,
with the ‘right’ offering a feckless rejoinder of plutocratic leftism which in
every case results in adopting and cementing the enemy values and failing to
deliver the white working and middle class from the crosshairs.
Cold War dialectic was basically false in its time and it’s even more laughable
now. If the USSR was worse than the US then it was by a thin margin – and at
this point it’s difficult to say whether killing 20-25 million of their own
citizens outside warfare by high estimates is worse than white genocide (a more realistic estimate for the same is about 11-13 million, or less than half of the Robert Conquest numbers). On that account, I'm inclined to say it's not - the folk can bounce back from horrific losses even to the tune of five or ten per hundred. The
USSR was smeared by means of propaganda and PR campaigns to undermine a
geopolitical rival and did not amount to shit practically, with respect to
maintaining the rights and customs white Americans had known for over 150 years
(in say 1980). The best you could say is that the American system in the midst
of the Cold War dialectic was forced to moderate, and after 1991 went into a
highly accelerated mode. Both systems operated under very similar premises in
terms of planning and management.
Both systems are centrally planned. America relies on intermediaries like
business cartels and monopolies in concert with government action. (The Federal
Reserve is a banking cartel, and Standard Oil was an old monopoly and Amazon is
a new monopoly.) The Soviet system cut out business for the most part and
consolidated most planning under the state.
systems rely on systems of social control ranging from education and propaganda
to police and intelligence. Both systems would target dissidents materially and
financially, and the modern West can actually be worse than the USSR in this
respect, as one was often merely demoted unless one was sufficiently
problematic that one had to be exiled or shot. Both engaged in assassinations
against people who were problems for the system, with the Soviet system
generally disappearing them or being forthright and the American system relying
on falsified cause of death (‘it was an accident’ or ‘it was a suicide’).
Billionaires in the US or other Western countries are oligarchs who are allowed
to have massive assets because they are paragons of the system and have
demonstrated loyalty which includes interests tangled with other oligarchs. The
overt nature of Western central planning and the clear overlap between all
modern highly centralized technocratic systems in the world today is so obvious
that anyone in denial is either delusional, ill-informed, or pretty retarded
(read Tragedy and Hope). Power is power nominally public or private, as I’ve
said in past essays, and relying on a notion from the past which was wrong in
its time but is even more absurd now, is astoundingly stupid. The problem is
not whether ZOG lords over us in the guise of a business or the state, but the
‘who,’ ‘why,’ and ‘what.’ We know the ‘who,’ we know the ‘why,’ and arguing whether
the tyranny of a corporation created by state power is worse than tyranny from
the state is completely beside the point. The pathological conservative loves
nothing more than getting bogged down in shit that ultimately does not matter.
Yet another side of pathological conservative is worried about a backlash. Should
we actually gain steam and strike against Jewish power in the coming years,
they are worried about the economic or, worse yet, the physical impact,
especially as a result of the set of daggers likely rigged at our throats
called “the Samson option.” The result of independence, they say, would be
utter ruin, as the Jews cut off finances and raw materials, as they sabotage
international trade and relations, and lastly as they unleash attacks on
infrastructure to include computer networks and potentially nuclear exchanges.
response to the above is to tell these clowns to GROW A SPINE. You live under
Jewish occupation, more insufferable by the day. These mealy mouthed faggots
need to read some William Pierce to get a sense of what the mindset needs to
be. If the cost of our independence is 100 cities full of fag clubs, Holocaust
museums, monuments to usury, and modernist architecture, then the toll is worth
it. If 600 million of our people must die that the remainder can fulfill their
true destiny, then that is worth it. Remember that some of these people will
fight us to the grave openly or not.
CANNOT save everyone. I do not relish the thought of millions of our people
dying in the coming years in horrible ways, in violence, war and struggle. Yet
that is exactly what will happen. It has happened before over the past 200
years, in the grist mills designed to chew up many of the warriors and
noble-minded men of our stock. I doubt it should be nearly as many as
two-thirds of our people, which 600 million would almost be. Just the same some
believe that they can dodge the karmic debt which America and by extension THE
WORLD owes as a result of foisting this Jewish anti-human debt slavery system
to the top.
I would save all of our people were it possible from the many bad things that the Other brings upon them. It is not possible to do that now, nor will it be possible in the course of a genuine liberation struggle when we are casting off the Jewish yoke. I would, if I could, insure that all of our people were hurt as little as possible. Alas, I also cannot in good faith give that promise or insurance, as it would be a lie. I see no way that we are getting out of this, as I’ve alluded in the past, WITHOUT A STRUGGLE AND BLOODSHED. Our foes will not give up power without a fight. This is not a fedpost and I do not endorse anything - I simply state facts as they are and leave the reader to draw their own conclusions.
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