A Late word on Cofnas and KMac

I don't normally descend to the level of responses and such anymore. I prefer this page to have a more timeless quality to it, at least as much as scribbling on the internet can have. There is also a more uplifted air about writing above the fray, where one is not merely a reactionary in reaction, as it were. Being reactionary is one thing, but constantly reacting to what others are doing is quite another and it gets somewhat tiresome. I've noticed that my whole style of argumentation and writing has improved tenfold since I've disconnected from Reddit and other third-rate internet forums.

The salient bit of reactionary thought on alien peoples boils down to this: we need to value our own folk first. Beyond that, I have a personal thing, as others do, for trying to remove the stain or virus of negro and Jew worship, that is the exaltation of the 'holy other,' from the Western man's mind. The Culture of Critique and the KMac's other books are merely a part of that project. Restoring a healthy middle ultimately means (at least in part) having a healthy view of the alien and a realignment of the concentric spheres of identity. Aesthetically, the Jew and the negro are inferior, and in terms of achievements of civilization they are wanting too; therefore, I balk at any insistence that we owe them respect or deference. Since we are host to guests, we reserve the right to determine who comes in our homes; and since our houses have been sullied and our rights and comforts and gestures of friendship all trampled and mocked, we ought to seriously consider throwing these ingrates into the street with great prejudice.

Everything beyond that is secondary. Empirically, we know that Jewish IQ is actually lower than Lynn and others record. Given that Israeli IQ is 94, and Jews are 2/3s of the inhabitants there, and about half of them are Ashkenazi (or 1/3 of the total). Israeli Ashkenazi Jews are recorded as being in the range of 104-106, which is about on par with the Japanese. It's substantially lower than the data we have for American Jews - admittedly shoddy and problematic data with biased sampling from elite schools, meaning that American Jews are probably more similar in actuality to Israeli Ashkenazi scores than they are to the phony data provided to date. Keeping in mind that IQ is ordinal and not cardinal (one point in IQ means "smarter than the guy before" and on the whole, one's score determines where they place in a normal curve). This makes the whole typical Jewish pilpul far less likely, since the 1 SD lead that guys like Steven Pinker throw out is almost certainly hogwash and a 4-7 point lead isn't nearly enough to explain Jewish representation in, well, in anything. So the new explanation is Jews don't really control anything and they deserve it anyway.

Jews are more mediocre than previously thought intellectually, and their aesthetic and physical mediocrity is legendary. What could then explain that at least a third of the modern elites are Jewish or descended of Jewish bloodlines, and that they are horribly over-represented in everything from the FIRE sector to academia to the unkultur-media-entertainment complex and real and nominal power positions? Basically, there are two things I think explain the meteoric rise of the Jew after they were unleashed from the ghettos and given full rights in European countries: that is, many Western elites deigned to use them as a weapon against other elites and middle classes both in their countries and elsewhere, and Jews also engage in aggressive ethnic networking to a degree that only other low trust people do. The pretense that Jews are a high trust, liberal people just like Europeans is just that.

Cofnas's bit.
K MacDonald in text.
KMac in video.
Alt-hype "A Celebration of le peuple Juif"


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