The US is the New Soviet

I’m not sure if I’ve made the statement in the past, but I’m making it now: the United States is the new Soviet. There are no words of equivocation used here; these are the bare facts.

The first article is addressed to making it seem as though things are bad, and getting worse, but that the main problem is the Republican Party or certain factions in that party, chiefly Donald “Orange Man Bad” Trump. The second and third admit and admonish the fact. It’s not really a matter of perception. It’s more about coming to terms with present realities and breaking through the miasma of disinformation and [willful] delusion or misperception.

The US has a huge surveillance apparatus which engages in bulk surveillance of raw data and metadata of US citizens and foreigners. This information is collected and stored directly, through split feeds placed in US-based major communications and internet infrastructure (large ISP nodes, and especially tiers-1 and -2 providers), and via cooperation from allies. The ‘split feeds’ are a known tech by which the NSA clones signals bound through these providers and routes the cloned signal to NSA databanks. The cooperation from allies is basically enlisting the intelligence and surveillance agencies of second-rate nations which make the roll of client and puppet states for the Post-War International Order.

One should also note how media shills trivialized metadata collection. Even if the NSA and their international affiliates were only collecting metadata (they’re not), a substantial amount of information can be gleaned just from traffic analysis given that metadata. Knowing the length, timing, locations, and frequency of signals, even without knowing the contents, can still yield plenty of information. This is especially true if one has ‘eyes inside’ like informers or localized wiretaps which increases the context for traffic analysis. Sometimes though just the traffic analysis is enough to determine what the contents likely are.

To anyone in the know, none of that is news. Still, it’s worth noting. To be fair, this all sounds a lot more impressive than it really is. If you’re plotting something nefarious and you’re dumb enough to post hints about it on the internet, especially on popular pages and to repeatedly leave hints as to one’s future actions, you’re begging to have the agencies crash your door – or at least place their Eye of Sauron upon you. If you appear normal online, admit no criminal or subversive activities which could place you in serious jeopardy, and maintain basic op-sec you will probably not be detected by these systems.

The reason why someone who has malicious intent can go undetected so long as they have a bit of sense and guile is rather simple: these systems represent an unprecedented deluge of raw information. Most of it is waste. By volume in terms of eyes on screen, in terms of data (kilobytes), or in terms of time invested, the majority of the internet is geared toward entertainment videos (e.g. video streaming services, vines, and cat videos), video games, and pornography. The promise of the internet was for an unfettered information ‘super highway.’ It turns out the promise of no shackles was false, and the promise of the internet being primarily used for education and promulgation of useful or critical information was also false.

With that noted, the systems of ‘None Such Agency’ or its other counterparts rely on machine learning algos to sift through the noise. They look for keywords and connections to certain individuals. Reading certain books also raises flags. If you have a certain number of flags – say you use ten to fifteen key terms and you have connections to two presently-watched individuals – you will end up becoming an active case. An active case means your information goes up the priority list. Most peoples’ information is just raw data, at which point it’s considered data but not intelligence. If the priority on your case rises enough to where you are an active case, your digital dossier will go in front of intel analysts whose job it is to make reports on possible problem points and dismiss noise.

The system is in constant refinement. They’re always trying to find more ways to efficiently sift through the noise. With high volumes of information, discerning the signal to noise ratio is important, as is some mechanism of discarding most of the noise. The ML algos do a fairly good job at this point of sifting, and they have relatively few false positives or false negatives in comparison to the sheer scale of data that they’re sorting. We should be thankful at this point that there is so much noise on the internet or everyone putting out anything useful would be on a watch list and actively monitored.

So what? Well, the NSA isn’t a new phenomenon. They were formed in 1952. A Naval intelligence EW-outfitted surveillance and recon ship, with NSA personnel onboard, was struck by Israelis in 1967 during the Six Day War. The CIA existed essentially since 1945, being a continuation and expansion of the OSS. Throughout their histories, US intelligence agencies since the ‘60s at least have been more interested in SIGINT, COINT, and EW than HUMINT. NSA employees have been responsible for many of the encryption standards developed during the past 25-30 years. Some of these encryption standards are compromised, just as hardware (CPUs) have been since at least 2010-12. Both encryption and CPUs have built-in backdoors for use by American intelligence-surveillance agencies. 

Combine all of the above with the number of CCTVs in use both in businesses and by governments. In many Western countries, one will see multiple CCTVs at every major street intersection as well as along sidewalks and buildings. As above, this is useful for cowing the populace as it creates the impression of an all-seeing eye much like Masonic imagery. It is also useful for trying to piece together events after the fact, or to try to frame evidence (see: deep fakes and other measures). What these things don’t do reliably is provide foreknowledge of crime, whatever the form that be. 

Americans are more surveilled now than Soviet or Warsaw Pact citizens were during the heyday of the USSR. As mentioned previously, Soviet intelligence relied more on HUMINT and COINT than the rest. The FBI, CIA, NSA, and DIA function as a combination of things in practice; the most important function of these in addition to their intelligence-surveillance roles is regime security. The FBI (and Homeland Security) is essentially a coordinating body and instrumental for instigating or shutting down investigations as politically expedient. They largely operate within the confines of the US. They also have the Hostage Rescue Team which actually does rather little by way of hostage rescue anymore and is basically a very expensive SWAT team directly responsive to upper echelons of power. They coordinate closely with BATFE on many occasions. It shocks many who look deeply into American politics to find numerous potentially incendiary investigations, such as that around the Finders Cult, the Franklin scandal, the Epstein case, and various Syndicate crimes have been covered up by the FBI in its long and storied history. The FBI has also been instrumental in dozens or hundreds of terrorist stings since the ‘90s, and along with the BATFE and local law enforcement have heavily infiltrated militias, white identity groups, Black Nationalist groups, and Salafist Islamic groups.

The NSA and DIA fall heavily on the military intelligence side of things, with the notable exception of the NSA’s general electronic surveillance program. NSA and DIA are intimately tied with foreign liaisons, especially EU members and Australia. The CIA on the other hand has a wide range of roles from intel analysis to electronic surveillance, and cooperation and participation with organized crime to the formation of human trafficking/sexual exploitation/pedophilia/blackmail rings in participation with other intel agencies (chiefly Mossad and MI-6). If the FBI are the above board bullies of power, the CIA are the secret police. CIA also have deep in-roads with the arts-media-entertainment complex at various points, meaning that they influence everything that comes out of those spheres to some degree and some fashion. In effect, despite having no official ‘secret police’ agency or state security body, the CIA works in a virtually mirror fashion to the KGB. Just as the KGB ran a spectrum of operations from kompromat to corporate espionage to cultural influence, we find the CIA doing the precise same things.

Thus American and Western surveillance is less obvious, more sophisticated, and arguably subtler, but it is still present and arguably more present than in the case of the actual Soviets or their puppets. In fact, one can extend that statement to the whole suite of social control which forms the fabric of hypermodernity. Everything is social control. Social atomization and the breakdown of community, geographic and socio-economic dislocation, ethno-cultural debasement and conflict, and of course the various tools and measures of the police state. The modern police state in the West is not as obvious as the USSR; they do not kill hundreds of students for a lark, because the students protested too loudly. Instead, the course taken is to pathologize, dehumanize, socially and economically isolate, and if all else fails, to frame charges to imprison dissidents and genuine whistleblowers.

In the USSR or DDR, or other Warsaw Pact countries, you couldn’t be sure who was informing on you. The networks of informants in some areas were so large that in a town as many as a fifth or a third of everyone may have been informal or formal informants to one capacity or another, and at one time or another (many for their whole lives, or until the dissolution of the Soviet system). There exists a similar dynamic in the West where it is chic to throw oneself before the legs of power. One does this often in the guise of moral righteousness, or ideological purity, or social and systemic pressure. The left is in a state of perpetual churn and revolution, but the end isn’t clear and the fact that they are at the beck and call of raw and spiteful power isn’t clear to them either. What is clear is that, in fact, they are stooges for oligarchs and plutocrats, whether radical left or center-left.

The center-left hands you rotten compromise where you lose much and gain naught, and the radical left keeps the centrists on track. The radical left demonizes founding stock men of Western countries, and soon the women as well, demanding their wholesale displacement or destruction. The center-left asks only that you yield now, so you can yield more later, and in the end you will find yourself in the same position as the radical leftists had in mind. The result is of course ‘Cthluhu swims left.’ America, the nexus of the cultural rot, exports poison with far more efficiency than did Soviet propagandists. Most people don’t realize that much of the Hollywood entertainment they consume is regime and ethnic agitprop.

What is the Western police state? How is it so much more elusive than police states of old? The thing I would point out is that much of Western society is in fact directed at social control in a way that made the social control efforts of past totalitarian socialist regimes look somewhere between dunderheaded and excessive. Through the control of key nodes in the arts-entertainment-media complex, finance, and various other corporations and state agencies, the Globohomo establishment ensures that people are socially atomized consumers who desire foremost to consume more products, and secondly to satisfy their carnal urges or debase themselves for oligarchs and plutocrats. Mass incarceration is a fact in the US, but not elsewhere in the West; however, anarcho-tyranny is the rule everywhere and there are no exceptions. The white proletarian producer class receives a disproportion of police and intelligence resources despite actually being relatively little trouble, because the maintenance of the system such as it is requires keeping them all in their cubicles.

Surely mass murder isn’t a part of the Post-War International Order. This might be one of the points where there is a departure in degree; while Western regimes commit murder and wage war all the time, and plutocrats and oligarchs are excused for all sorts of misdeeds up to and including rape and murder, they don’t do it on the scale of the old totalitarian socialist regimes. There was never the sort of violent political repression as in the USSR, although since 1945, tens of thousands of Americans and other Westerners have been killed, “suicided”, disappeared under suspicious circumstances, or spent years of their lives as political prisoners. That is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of victims of political violence, minority violence (which is an extension of political violence), and excess suicide including suicide by narcotic. These things aren’t “inevitable” and a healthy society doesn’t have rashes of these issues. Some suicide and violence is inevitable, but epidemic suicide clearly indicates something is horribly wrong here.

Well, maybe the Post-War International Order isn’t as nice or humane as it seems. Maybe it is in fact an anti-human system. The pretense of an “open society” or of “constitutional republics” seems on the final analysis to be pure bluster. Ask the wrong questions in the wrong company, and you will feel consequences for it. Try to change things through democratic-republican action and you will find you achieve nothing. Turns out the US is about as much of a republic at this point as the PRC.

Surely economic stagnation, like the late stage USSR, is not a feature of the Post-War International Order. Of course it is. Anyone who is interested can look at median inflation-adjusted wages since 1900. They can also look at the graph from Limits To Growth and try to understand the numbers behind it. A thorough understanding of how badly Western people have been scammed lies partly therein.

Militarism, show trials, imperialism, and vast state control of the economy and society broadly are all obvious and all things which I’ve treated in the past. Suffice it to say that the parallels in all of these areas are so obviously true of modern Western society that I don’t really see the need to go deeper into them here. Read my past works for that.

I mentioned Chernobyl in one of my recent essays. There were multiple causes to Chernobyl, and certainly to the scale of it, from improperly trained personnel to faulty reactor design to lack of reinforcement of containment structure in case of steam or hydrogen explosion. This sort of accumulation of error is usually what results in a catastrophic end; it is far rarer that a catastrophe rises from a single, small error. The New Soviet, that is the United States and the West or Globohomo more broadly, would compound this. While nuclear reactors in the West are well-built and well-designed, we can no longer produce many of those structures internally. We have a big problem with losses in skill and capital. We also have another problem in the form of affirmative action, and the probability that nuclear technicians (and silo personnel) will likely end up being filled with affirmative action hires in the near future. This also implies a problem with maintenance, and indeed we see that critical infrastructure including nuclear power plants are having worsening maintenance issues as costs and skill and production shortfalls add to the tally.

I’m not sanguine about the Globohomo-fied West at present, and that’s one of the reasons I advocate total denuclearization including of nuclear power. Nuclear power presumes political support and stability. It presumes a stable supply of fissile material, and a sound way to process and store waste. It also presumes that oligarchs wouldn’t allow affirmative action hires to penetrate these vital positions. Those all look to be assumptions one shouldn’t make given present realities.

The Soviet Union had a problem with a terminal decline in the late ‘80s. The West also has a problem with terminal decline. Worse, as I noted recently, a Soviet citizen could be relatively sure that their society would still be there even after a political collapse. They would look forward to hardship, and perhaps as an individual they would suffer or perish in those times of flux, but still Russia or Poland or wherever would [likely] remain twenty or fifty or one-hundred years later. You cannot make the same statement about Western society on its current trajectory.

Western society as it was classically conceived four hundred years ago is dead. In its stead, we have a rotten husk filled by cynical and unfathomably vile Luciferians, by the Other and the Oligarch. Who now would fight for the West? Who would bleed for America? Who would throw themselves on the pyre to let this festering heap trudge on yet another day?


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